3 // Alpha Energy, Part 1

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It's said that God created man in his own image.

Everett calls bullshit on that.

No way is God responsible for someone like Knox. A man who probably prefers chaos over tranquility. His entire aura reeks of mayhem, savagery, and death. The vivid images of Shaun bleeding out on the floor of Club Inferno tumble out from the dark corners of Everett's mind whenever he tries to give his abductor the benefit of the doubt.

God didn't create Knox.

The devil did.

"You're out of your damn mind if you think I'm getting into that filthy bed with you!" Everett slaps Knox's hand away from his face before turning around to snatch all the covers off the bed, including a pillow. "How often do you wash these sheets?"

"Once a week. Sometimes twice if I had company over."

"Ew. People willingly sleep with you?"

"Contrary to what you think of me, I'm not some dirty unhinged animal," Knox says. "As you can see, my bedroom is spotless. Not a single beer bottle, soda can, or empty pizza box in sight. I value cleanliness despite my messy line of work."

Everett raises a judgmental brow. "And if I were to look under your bed right now?"

"You'd find nothing but a shoebox full of mementos."

"Lies. It's probably where you keep souvenirs from all your victims... a tattered old shoebox stuffed full of teeth, fingernails, and locks of hair. I know a psychopath when I see one."

Knox's laughter fills the room, something close to amusement twinkling in his eyes as he watches Everett get settled on the floor at the foot of the bed. "You're serious right now?"

"As the heart attack I wish you'd have, yes I am."

"Fine. If your stubborn ass wants to sleep on this rock-hard floor, then by all means, be my fucking guest. I won't beg you to reconsider."

Everett curses under his breath after Knox stomps his way into the bathroom. Everett hears the faint sound of clothes hitting the floor, then the shower turns on a few minutes later. He doesn't think twice about taking advantage of being unsupervised. He tiptoes to the bathroom and peers inside.

Knox didn't shut the shower door all the way, so Everett can see every inch of him from behind.

A massive tattoo covers his entire back. It's of an angel wearing a broken crown, a few feathers falling from its enormous black wings. The amount of detail put into the elegant work of art would've brought a tear to Everett's eyes if he cared. Too bad he doesn't. More important matters are at stake, and getting his cell phone back takes priority over everything else.

Pull it together, Everett. Don't get distracted.

Glossing over Knox's plump ass and muscular thighs the size of a tree trunk, Everett spots Knox's jeans lying on the floor by the toilet. Everett's cell phone is hanging out of the left back pocket, just begging for someone to snatch it up.

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