🌑Monika x !Fem! Reader 🍋

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!!Minor cursing!!

You check your phone to see that it is almost time to transfer to the last period. You sigh and begin to pack your bags as you would rub your index and thumb against your sorrowful eyebags. You adjust the collar of your uniform and leave the classroom to go upstairs. You gasp mildly once you almost complete the mission, trying to get a whiff of air since the stairs usually tire you out easily. Your fingers split up as they would run through your silky hair, which was somehow still in a good condition. You noticed Monika, your friend from earlier years, run into you and pulled up your hand from falling down the stairs due to your over-exhaustion. " Hey Y/N!~ " She cheerfully greets, " Hi, are you going to the club today? " You ask, " Yeah! Aren't I the club president? " She jokingly replies, " Heh yeah. " Monika turns to you and continues holding your hand while the both of you would go in the club's direction. Monika kept chatting while you couldn't stop grasping the fact that she is holding your hand.

Monika opens the door and announced, " Good evening everyone! How about we write until we can't anymore?! " All of the other members were surprised by her entrance but their minds all came to the same conclusion, Y/N and Monika are dating. " Are you two dating?! " Sayori blurts out with the same energy as Monika. Natsuki, who was in the closet, and Yuri, who was in her usual spot both look at Sayori with a face of surprise at how much willpower she had. Monika's confidence immediately spiked to Yuri's level of it. " I- Umm- " Monika constantly stuttered before closing the door and turning around to you, " A-Am I still going to your house today or..- " Monika muttered, you place your index finger on her soft lips " Hell yeah, it's just a rumor. It can't hurt us " You respond. " I- Jeez Y/N, you're a little too much of a flirt for me to handle~ " Monika quietly murmurs while glowing red, " Hahah, save that energy for my house, 'kay precious? " Monika gulps and starts shaking violently as if she was swooned by that action of yours. " Can I still stay back here though? Just say the club is dismissed since I only came looking for you... " Monika admits, you smile back and nod before opening up the club door, " 'Kay everyone, Monika's feeling a bit light-headed so she wanted me to tell you all that club's dismissed. " You yell tiredly. 

-Time Skip to when you and Monika are about to leave the school-

The both of you would hold hands as you would lead the way to your house, which she never has seen before unless it was in your Instagram photos since you two were friends there. Once you got out your keys and unlocked the door, her eyes immediately sparkle from how much it looked better in person. " Wow Y/N you really keep this place clean! " Monika excitingly complimented, " Thanks, I try to keep my house clean when I can. " 

" Hehe, you sure know how to impress a woman like me, doll " Monika smirks, " I- Uhmm, well- " You began stuttering, " You're so cute when you're nervous, I was only teasing you, N/N~ " Your face was already coral red from the start of the conversation, but a lightbulb beamed on the top of your head. 

You lead Monika upstairs to your room and just as you were about to open the door, you pinned her to the wall right next to it. " Just teasing huh? Okay, I can work with "just teasing~" You purr, Monika's breath started to get heavy as she would shrink down to the floor beneath her for support. " H-Holy fuck.. What are you doing to me, darling?~ " Monika muttered under her breath, " I'm just teasing you hun' " You reply. " Are you trying to impress me, Y/N? " You smirk and grab a titty, " Take it as you wish~ " Monika whines while you would admire the curves of her body, " O-Oh my fuck... " Monika silently moaned, " P-Please~ " You look back up to her as you would rest your chin on her abdomen, " Please what, honey? " You teased, Monika grabs your arm and leads you to your bed before pushing you on it. You began to laugh at the thought of how long it took before doing it, however, you were quickly silenced by a blazer that blinded your vision. " Jeez Y/N, you sure do know how to get a woman going, hm?~ " Monika started to undress so you did the same.

After Monika was done with showing some skin, she went through your cabinets and your nightstand, trying to find something that can pleasure you two for a while, if you can handle it that is. You left yourself with only your panties, bra, and shirt left on as you would await for her to get upset from it. " My beloved Y/N, do you have anything that could be classified as.. sexual? " Monika would sheepishly ask, " Yeah, but fingers exist right? That's how I can pick up your blazer from my eyes, silly. " You jokingly respond, before throwing off her coat from your vision. " W-Woah Moni... " Her curves were even better from when she didn't have her jacket on, her skin was a pearly white but still was in a healthy condition in them, and her skin looks smooth and reliable. 

You got up, touched her shoulders, turned her around, and stuffed your head in her boobs. " E-Eh?! Y/N? " Monika got warmer from blushing, but you didn't care. You looked back up at her, hung your arms on her shoulders, and kissed her. Until you both hit the wall behind her. " Y/N! We still need to do our homework! " Monika stammered, trying to use an excuse. " But you are my homework, my love~ " You teasingly give her puppy eyes. Monika covered a fist over her mouth and fake-coughed as her face would glow red. You pick up her chin to look at you while savoring the architecture of her build. Monika was too stunned to do anything about it, but luckily you got off of her case once you found your vibrator. " A-Are you seriously going to use that toy? " Monika began to nibble at the hand that picked up her jawline, causing you to try to stop it, " Awwww, it looks like your luck's run out~ " Monika teased before you picked her up and carefully placed her on the bed, " I guess I'll take off my shirt for you then, sweetie. " You began to tussle around with the shirt to try to get rid of it, until Monika got up, and helped you. Once you both got rid of the shirt, she kissed your abdomen and pushed you onto the bed before snatching the vibrator out of your hand. " I knew that you were going to use this against me, so we're not going to disobey Mommy, 'kay? " You gulp before feeling her peek through your panties to shove it in there. Your legs clenched together before you balled up, muffling your pretty moans. " Come on pet, be a good girl and let Moni hear your delicious sounds~ "You followed her orders and uncovered your mouth, before Monika climbed on top of you, " How about we use that mouth for something else, hm?~ " She smirked before placing one of her breasts in your wet cave.

This is a WIP btw, more coming soon

1323 words so far

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