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"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I shout as I burst through my parents' front door.

It's been a month since I bought a new and phone and sold Morgan's engagement ring. I realized, I didn't know who I was looking at in the mirror anymore. The Harper I knew was always smiling, surrounded with friends and just doing things that made her happy. I was a shallow shell of what I used to be, so I decided to stop waiting around for Morgan to pick the pieces up back for me, and did it myself.

I went to get my almost butt-length red hair cut down to a shoulder-length, Quentin was shocked by the sudden transformation since I never had short hair. Ever. But he said I looked great. I bought new clothes and expensive perfume too, lavishly spending the money I earned from my job. Since I don't have you to spoil me anymore, I spoiled myself.

I deserve it.

For the past few months I have been ruining myself because of you. Now it's time I stop and start thinking about me for once. Even if the change comes slow, at least I'm trying to be better now.

Now it's Christmas, and I decided to spend it with my family. No longer with you & yours. Although, I will miss your mom's brownies.

My mom emerges from the kitchen and runs to me and engulfs me in a hug. My dad soon follows suit and traps us both in a hug.

"Mom, dad, I get that you miss me but you're suffocating me." I say with a chuckle. And dad lets go. I look at them, they look like they're really happy to see me home and after almost 4 months of forced smiles, I finally offer a genuine one.

"We missed our little baby." My mom says as she holds my face in her hand.

"I sure did." My dad agrees as he ruffles my hair. "Oh, hey, you got a haircut." Dad realizes after a while, mom also notices.

"Wow! Honey! I have never seen you with short hair, you look beautiful." Mom tells me and hugs me.

"Thanks mom." I hug her back.

"Where's your brother?" Dad asks. I break away from the hug and look outside.

"He's outside, he brought all of his stuff. He's moving back here." I tell them, and now they share very shocked expressions.

Quentin quit his job to pursue a dream of his. Finish med school and help out the needy.

"Ah crap, you beat me to it Harper." Quentin says defeated when he walks in. He hugs both mom and dad who are still in shock. "Let's talk about this after we get settled in, alright?"


"So, that's why I am moving back here." Quentin says as he sums up his story. "Don't worry. I will fund my studies, I saved up for this guys." He says proudly. I look at my brother and smile. I am so proud of him.

"What about your sister?" Dad breaks the short silence. I clear my throat.

"Her sister is a big girl now and she is going to be okay." Referring to myself in third person, since I really hate it when they talk about me like I am not in the room. "I am picking myself up dad, don't worry. Besides, I've got news too." I finish my sentence with a smile.

"She's moving to Santa Barbara!" Quentin interrupts me and send him glares. "What? You told them my news, I think it is only fair that I tell them yours." He says defensively. I look back to my parents who now look beyond confused.

"What?" They both say.

"Let me explain." I start off.. "My boss is really impressed with my work and he says I deserve the big league so he recommended me to a really popular firm. The only catch was that it was in Santa Barbara." I stopped to catch air. "And I think it is best for me to be in a new environment. Start new. Everything's new."

"Are you sure about this honey?" My mom asks me. Worry laced in her voice.

"Yes mom. I am not only doing this because of you-know-who, this is a really great opportunity too. Besides, I haven't planted any roots in New York yet."

"I say go for it." Dad finally speaks up.

"Hector." Mom warns.

"What? This is good honey. She's getting another clean slate, plus she's getting promoted. I don't see what's wrong with that." My mother takes all of what my father said to him and thinks about it.

"Besides mom. It's up to her, if she wants to go, you can't stop her. She's only asking for your support." Quentin says after a while. I smile to him and he returns it.

"Okay." Mom finally says. She smiles at me. "I just want you to be safe okay? Your brother won't be there for you this time, Morgan won't be either." I cringe at the mention of his name. "It's technically going to be the first time you're going to live alone, honey."

I walk over to sit beside my mom and semi-hug her. "Mom, it's time I learn to be independent. I'll be fine, I promise." She smiles at me and nods.

"Alright. So, when are you set to leave hun?" Dad asks.


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