Prologue 🧡

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Author's Pov.......

Kirdapan's Family is very famous and rich happy and loving only for Media. In reality, it's all fake.
Mr. Kirdapan is the best businessman in the industry but he is the worst Father to his Children.

And Mrs. Kirdapan doesn't care she is a famous Model but the worst Mother. She always stays out of family matters. She doesn't care if her Children are suffering.

And Nanon he loves his family and always tries to maintain his smile but deep inside he is dying slowly and can do anything for his family loves his sweet little sister.

Love Kirdapan can't do anything but see his brother suffer for his family love hates her parents.

Ohm Pawat is an Orphan who always cares for Nanon and loves him wholeheartedly but he is nothing but a servant Kirdapan family gives him shelter and food.

Ohm also belongs to a rich family but in a car accident, he lost his family and some of his relatives send him to an orphanage 12 year old Ohm started to live there but he had no friends because of his anger he always lived separately from other children. One day Kirdapan's Family comes to the orphanage for a charity event and he sees a very beautiful angel with doe brown eyes cute dimples and pale skin that's the first time he smiles after his parents' death.

That 6-year-old boy sitting on his father's lap giggling cutely. But he knew he can never able to reach him now when he have nothing.

The event comes to an end Mr. Khun and his wife Davika faking their happiness and love....are giving an interview. Nanon felt bored so he decided to sneak outside he was running in the garden but suddenly bumped into a big and scary boy he was handsome and slightly tan with fierce eyes.

Little Nanon got scared he was still on the ground his knees are bleeding he look up to see the boy with his eyes filled with tears. The boy step towards him and offer his hand but he got more scared because he thought he made the boy angry and he was coming to hit him.

Ohm was always try to glance at Nanon and admire him but when Media comes event got more crowded so decided to go outside to calm his heart.
When he again decides to go inside he got bumped into a cute angel who made his heart beat louder. He is still processing but when he saw that Nanon is scared of him and his eyes got filled with tears and his knees are bleeding.

His heart ached to see him in pain so he approached him and lifted him from his feet's he take him to the garden and make him sit on a nearby bench and took a bandage from his pocket because he often fights with other children so he always carries bandage's and started to blow the wound softly he put a bandage and got stunned because he is very close to his angel. Starting at his face so closely Ohm's cheeks got turned pink and started to wipe Nanon's tears with his thumbs and cupped his face gently because in his eyes Nanon looked so fragile that if he just touches him he will get a break and said don't be afraid of me.

Nanon got relaxed and thanked him by showing his dimples and kissed Ohm on both cheeks and said P will you be my friend? Ohm got shy and nodded his head Nanon spread his both arms and hug Ohm. Soon Mr. Khun and Davika arrived they see that their son is enjoying an orphan company so they decided to take Ohm to their Mansion for taking care of Nanon and Love because they don't have time.

Ohm and Nanon both become closer to each other ohm always treats Nanon like a prince ready to spoil him can do anything thing for him. Hate to see Nanon's wet eyes and can't stand him being hurt and sad. And his love for Nanon is crazily increasing day by day he becomes selfish to take Nanon for himself only.

On the other hand, Nanon always tries to do his best he always studies hard to make his parents proud but they didn't care. When Nanon is 15 years old he got a very high fever his whole body is burning but his parents are busy no one have time for him. Only Ohm and his sister come to him love was sleeping and hugging him and Ohm tried to decrease his fever by changing the wet&cold small towel laying on his forehead the whole night he was suffering but still, his parents didn't even come to see him. The whole night Ohm took care of him without resting a bit.

Nanon got overwhelmed by him he started to develop feelings for him Ohm's caring nature is pulling him close to Ohm.

A/N:- But what will happen after...will their love survive or Misunderstandings will destroy them will they overcome or just give up?

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