My Vampire NightMare Comes To Life!!!

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Hi im kirsty but everyone one else calls me kat to be honest i dont realy know why that is. Before i tell you anything else there's on thing that you need to know about me im adopted i've been told by my foster parents that my real parents were to young and scared to be parents when i was born.

But i completly understand. my social worker miss Samantha Minors said that when im eighteen years old i have the right to see them.

Today i turn 14 but i'm a bit to worried to celebrate about it because latley i've been having these weird cravings for blood. Like the other day i was playing net ball it was a tornument between my school (lake school high) and bakerbox high. i had the ball we had 15 secounds to the end i had to make this shot i jumped straight into the air threw the ball and it went in with 5 secounds to spare.

the timer went of my whole team came rushing over to me picked me up chanting kat kat kat over and over agian. i'm not sure who's fault it was but one of the girls tripped on something and i went flying i had a lucky land onto the pile of towles but i had skided me knee onto the ground it was gushing out with blackish-red blood. It really hurt i think i passed out a bit from the pain or i could of passed out from seeing all of my own blood gushing out of my knee.

when i woke up i was in maintrance i had plaster cast round my knee and an ice pack on my head wraped up in a blue towle. i tried to get up but i was to weak. my foster sister Lea was leening over me. i asked her what had happend she told me that i went flying.

she called in maintrance to let her know that i was awake.'how are you dear?' she asked I just shrugged back and said 'I think im ok'. 'Well thats good' she replied 'lets just get this plaster of now i will be back in a mintute you stay put ok?' 'of course i will' i said.

My knee was still bleeding but heres the strange part i wanted to lick up my blood so i did and i liked it i know i shouldnt of but i did. And then i wanted more so i went into mantrance desk and got out a pile of paper work and scraped it across my arm it hurt but it was so worth it i started to like up the blood it thrilled me so i did it over and over agian untill i was full, full of my own satisfiying blood.

When i got home my foster mother Carrie was in the kitten 'Is that you Kristy?' she called out to me 'ye it me' i replied Carrie i called back is it ok if i dont have dinner tonight?' 'Oh ok i suppose so' she answerd. Why are you feeling ill or something. i needed to think of something to replie and quick was i actally going to tell her that im to filled up from drinking my own blood no i was not so i replied this instead 'um im just not in the mood to eat at the moment'. and at that very moment Lea came in. 'i bet your not after that fall you had ealier. (and i really wish she had'nt said that because Carrie gets scared at anything and i aint joking because the last time i got a paper cut she started to panik because the bleeding did not stop after 2 mintutes so she took me to casualty) and when she said that Carrie shot right up and said what fall who's hurt why didnt you tell me do you need to go to hospital i told her that i was fine and to back off a bit.

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