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sooooo my fucking smut books disappeared

both of them

im so fucking furious right now it's unbelievable 

my smut book had so many fucking requests that i still haven't done and i'm so sorry to anyone that requested something that didn't get published

i dont know if wattpad took them down or if its a bug, but every notification that has to do with them is gone. almost as if they've been deleted.

i dont know understand why the fuck wattpad took them down, i've had my smut book published for about 2 years. 


anyways im making another smut book because fuck wattpad for doing that shit

if you have any requests please send them here.

im just getting more and more pissed. i lowkey might take a slight hiatus.

you guys can still send in requests for the new smut book and i will be working on them but im not gonna publish it.

but i was told that they're still visible in libraries so idk wtf is going on.

im also keeping it in my drafts just in case wattpad is bugging and they come back. your requests will be inputted into the book if they come back so dont worry :)

but i wont be uploading for a while. this shit is pissing me off

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