CH 30 the cat is out of the bag

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I opened my eyes, waking up to the sound of my bedroom door opening. I sat up and quickly faced the door, ready to attack anyone if needs be. I look at the culprit in shock. "Toko? What are you doing?" I questioned, tilting my head slightly.

His face immediately flushed a little before he looked away and mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear, "I brought you breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay the night...Everyone else has already eaten and school starts in a few hours". He then handed me the plate of pancakes and left, making sure to close the door behind him. 

I smiled and watched him leave before looking down at my breakfast. 'He's so sweet and considerate. I smiled down at my plate before paying, realising what I had told him last night. I sighed and grabbed my phone, taking it off charge and messaging my dad that Tokoyami knows now. He said he understands and wants me to tell my class today anyways. I sighed and put my phone down and started eating my breakfast. 

As I was enjoying my amazing meal, my phone vibrated. I picked it up and looked at it, before smiling as my cheeks started to grow warm.

Innocent bby <3: Hey... I just.

Your future Wife is online

Your future Wife: Yes?

Innocent bby <3: Do you want to go on that date tonight?

Your future Wife: What's with the sudden confidence?

Your future Wife: And I'd love to, is 8 pm okay?

Innocent bby <3: M-Mirio took my phone ca-cause I was too scared...

Innocent bby <3: I-I'll pick you up a-at 8 pm! BYE!

Innocent bby <3 is offline

I smiled at my phone and finished my breakfast before going for a quick shower. I washed my hair and was about to wash my body before I noticed blood. 'Fuck' was my only thought while I quickly washed my body. I got out of the shower and got ready for school, adding a pad/tampon due to my period. I sighed frustrated at this information but ignored it and went back to the bathroom. I dried my hair before styling it. 

I left my room with my bag, phone and the plate that used to contain my breakfast. I walked into the elevator and clicked the ground floor option. I stood in the elevator waiting patiently. Before too long, the elevator came to a stop and opened. I walked out and greeted some of my class while on my way to the kitchen. I washed my plate in the sink before going to the front door and putting my shoes on outside. I then walked off to school. I got a few confused looks as I was early but then I saw Monoma and his group. I quickly hurried over to them and greeted them as they greeted me back.

We all started chatting away as we all made our way to a cafe near the school. We hung out for a while and made jokes with each other before walking to school together. I dropped them off at their classroom before making my way to my own. Once inside, I noticed everyone was already there so I just shrugged and sat in my seat. I talked to a few of my classmates that I saw earlier and they asked me why I wasn't here so early even though I left around an hour before class. I made up lies, due to Kendo's request, and they believed it. Soon dad walked in and the whole class went quiet. He stood at the front of the classroom before beginning to speak. "I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses." The class agreed and went to talk to one another before being stopped by dad again. "A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course, the exam to receive on is very difficult. You can ask Y/n. Anyways, even the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year. That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two..." He passed and the classroom door opens to show Midnight, Cementoss and Ectoplasm. He then continues, "...ultimate moves." The class started to freak out. But once again, all the cheering was stopped. Dad looked at the class seriously before nodding to me. "But first, Y/n has something they feel the need to inform you all."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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