Chant ideas

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first idea:

I am the bone of my sword

my body is of paper, my blood of paint

unknown to beginnings 

nor known to the end

I stand alone in this world of white

For I am the poet, the painter, the smith

I etch tales upon the world, paint their vestige on the air and make blades from the earth.

The wonderer finds his purpose in this land.

my life was for this grand creation,

my whole life was, Kingdom of Creation. 

Second idea:

I am thy origin

I am thy end

Sought and feared in equal measure

I wonder this white world alone, yet this heart is not of ice or snow

I am a mockery of what was sought

unable to find what was seeked I become a tool

I am the quill that writes legends, I am the brush that paints heroes, I am the hands that make many things

for I am the poet, the painter and the smith

I twist this white land with empty hands

So I ask, is this Kingdom of Creation?

Third idea:

Blood of an Emiya

Soul of a dragon

Mind of a magus

Heart of a flower

A Faker of a fake

A gift between siblings

That is my origin, a gift to mend the heart.

I look ahead, I look behind only to see the same sight,

A world of pure white,

A shapeless land, where no desire lay

This is my kingdom, this is all I am,

an empty shell, with not but a single purpose.

to lay bare my heart, Kingdom of creation.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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