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The dinner is done and now every one is sitting in the living room, eating ice-cream and having a talk of childhood. Its was a homey feeling to all of them. Suddenly ,

Hmm, Jungkook I need to have a word with you - jong suk

S-ure uncle - kook while watching tae

You can come to my office - Jong suk and kook nodded.

Why are you getting scared hyung? - hwang

*whisper* when it's your turn you will get know *everyone in the room giggle* - kook

what does that mean? - hwang

After me its your turn to go and meet the soon to be FATHER - IN - LAW - kook and started walking

*gulp* I wanna go home - hwang and all giggle

*At office room*

(knock knock) *come in*
jong suk in normal, kook in bold

(knock knock) *come in*jong suk in normal, kook in bold

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uncle you called me

yes , have a sit *after settling down* well you both have decided to get married so before that I would like to tell you about the WILL.

WILL??? I don't understand

Hmm, so tae didn't tell you about it, means he put this resposneiblity on me.

Ok, this is getting really mysteries and I am sure if tae didn't tell me that means he is not giving that much of importance to it.

Well thats true, I will tell you about the situation , *hence jong suk tell everything related to WILL*, and so here we are at the edge of this situation.

ohh.. *after few min* well its a valid point but I am sure he can get through it with your help and I will also help him in this.

Thats wonderful, I just want to tell you that tae is not getting married to you just because of this deal.

I know uncle don't worry. I trust him

Great. Now that we have settle on this I would like to give you a reward.


yes stand up , *kook stand up and instantly jongsuk twist his ear, kook whimper in pain*, I told you not to do hanky panky with my taebear , but you still did

oooAhooo h-anky panky oo ahooo I didn't do anything

Liar, you kiss him before marriage, *twisted his ear a little harder*

*kook shocked but after few sec again whimper in pain* ooo ahoo I am sorry uncle I will do it again


𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✿(𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now