Chapter Eighteen

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SEVEN YEARS AGO. .............................................

Arthurs note: well......henlo frens...since the orginal Cailou Joins the black Prade was writted a lot of things have change in my live...first of all.....i am..........................AROMATIC!!!!!!!!

Yes it took a lot of thought but im not in middel school lik when i stated. Im in collage now and ive had tim to explore the things that used to scar me. Im not afrayed of being my true self anymore and thts what MCR taught me. i am ARONANTIC!!!!!!:) Along with tis change alot of things are diffent now. You may have noticed by now that i...CAN SPELL!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes!!!! Did you no in collage they have much harder clases and work. So ihad to stepped up to and i taught mysef how to spell better after hi scool! Actully i did it befor i graduated so i could suprise people at my graduaton party.

Some things stayed the sam though like i still LOVE MCR!!!!!!!!I wasso suprised when they got back together i codnt beleive i predicted it!!!!! And theyr new single is so AWSOME!!!!!!!! So im retconing the use of fake yor death in the concert ad instead MCR is going to be singing the FOUNDATONS OF DECAY!!!!!!!!

Donnt worry tho guys i wont keep u all bored wating! This isnt about me....this is about CAILOU. and the BLACK PRADE. and me finiching, finaly, what i started..................


Gerar stormed onto stage dangerosly. For the 1rd time in near 10 years the y were reforming. It sould be the happiest time in his live, ecept the storm cloud above their hed had expanded. It was no a dark and dangeous huricane, ripping trees from theyre roots and strikng carelessly anyone who was foolitch enogh to be standing in its path. And right know, the audience of milions was blissfuly unaware, going for wasks in the park.

"HELLO CALIFORNA." He sedinto the microphobe. Alredy thye were being cheered four, a rore of thunderus applose rolling over the thosands of innocence below. "I HERD YOU WANTED A SHOE. WELL LUCKILY FOR YO..." Uneasly mikey (Gerards brother + basist of MCR), fuck, and Ray steped onto stage behind the raven hared vocalis. "WE'FE GOT ONE HELL OF ON."

"THIS ONE..." he contined. "IS DEDICATE TOO THE BOY... WHO I GAFE ALOF MY TRUST. MY LOVE. MY CARE. ALL OF ME. ..." Thye picked The micophobe out of its stad and roare.d. "AD THROUGH IT ALL AWAY. CALLOU... YOU FUCKING POSR. YOU DIRTYFUCKING LIRE. this ones caled foundaions of WHAT the FUCK EVER."

Ad they statted to play.


see theman... h00 stanfs beyond the hill...

Calou gronaed in frustraton "MMM MMM!!!" he straned to shout threw the tape covering his mouth. (A/N: Hecan tack it off if he wanted but he has too pretend to stil be stuck for his plan.) Of camera Boob chuckled low and hearty. "good luck spacking threw that tape little boy." Cailou thought in his head four a second he cod take of the tape and rops right now and turn Bob Bryered in to a pile of ass but hw desided against it because he needed to stay put four his plan. (A/N see i todd you)

Boob monologed about how he wood be revered and loved after wat he was plannig tonit butt Cailou wasnt listing he was insted paying closed atention to the large screens projecing the consert to the audience to far away. On the screen the camera paned from the spunky sweet beligernt Miky............and finaly....callou felt a pan in his new formed heart.

he dreamed of all the battled one...

It wa gerard.

Mytery liquid cried from csillou's violet eyes.

The annoucement Ger had mad before the sog was about him. He just knowed it. ad he coldnt help butt cry even through he knew he needed to be strong. It wasnt me gerrad... i wodl never leave my family....... im gunna mack this up to you i promise...

Breatheing shakily cailou sturggled to steady himself. Fuckusing hard on his satinic abilty -- a stength he'd honed and learned after manny years traneing under his Grandma's wing -- he sucked the mystry liquid back in to his eys.he had to be stong.

"if only i new what to do........" he dreamed his gays drifting abcentminedly to the jumbo screens.He look down and his heliotrope orbs landed on the cameas that were recoding.

A spark fared up.

A spark fared up

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