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After 1 Week Of War,The Trio Came Back,Benjamin Went On His Place,Constantine Went At The Church and As For Lucas He Went Straight To The Palace. He Was So Happy and Open Felix's Door But No One's There


Lucas Went Inside and Find Felix Somewhere He Was So Angry as He Sat Down At The Bed and Tears Start Falling On His Eyes (Of Course It's Fake)

Lucas:"Dammit!,Master Where The H*ll Are You!"


Felix Was Killing Some Armies Of The Palace That He Doesn't Know With Wei,

Felix:"Hmm!,Are You Okay Wei!?"

Wei:"I'm Okay Young Master!"


Felix Was Currently On The Small House They Were Staying He Sat On His Bed and Started Cleaning His Bloody Sword,The Demon Inside Him Keep Annoying Him

Lucas On His Garden Was So Angry So He Grab The Glass of Water And Break It Using His Hands

Lucas:"How Dare You Teach Us and Run Away!"

As For Constantine He Doesn't Do Anything He Was Calm But Inside He Is So Angry and Last For Benjamin He Was At The Garden and Holding A Flower and Said

Benjamin:"Keep Running Master!"


The Trio Finally Find Felix Location,Constantine and Lucas  Stay At The Palace To Get Ready Felix Cage

Felix Got Hostage By  Benjamin's Armies And He Escaped and Keep Fighting

Benjamin:"Captured The Hostage At All Cost!"

All:"As You Command!"

Felix Suddenly Flinch When So Many Armies Came and Started Attacking Him,Wei Was Covering Him Until He Was Stab


Felix Shock When All The Armies Was Circle Around Him and There Sword Was Point Towards His Neck

Benjamin Came With A Smile On His Face He Towards Felix Hold His Chin and Said

Benjamin:"How Affectionate of You,Why Did You Tame Us and Abandoned Us Like That!,"

Felix Suddenly Fall Unconscious and Benjamin Carry Him Quickly Leaving Wei Who Is Bleeding A Lot


* Hope You All Enjoy and Like It *

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