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Dear reader, 

Thank you taking the time to open this book. If you are reading these words then I know it's for one reason and one reason only, you're curious about ghosts too. You're asking the same question that I have asked my entire life. 

Are ghosts real?

No one can ever really say for sure though can they. Nobody wants to confirm the existence of spirits because if they do, then it could shift mankind's whole perspective on human existence. 

Does everyone become a ghost when they pass away?

Is there such a thing as good and bad spirits?

You could drive yourself mad thinking about it all. I nearly did. I lost a lot of friends when I decided to investigate the paranormal. My family thought I was insane and told me to leave the family home. My friends laughed at first until they realised I wasn't joking and then they too told me I was no longer welcome to crash on their sofas . Nobody understood why I couldn't just sit back and simply be content with asking the same questions as everyone else. 

Are ghosts real?

Yes, reader. Ghosts are real.

I'm writing this book to tell you to believe everything you think you know about ghosts. That shadow in the corner of your room at night. You've always thought it resembled a ghostly figure haven't you. Well that's because it is. Nobody really has a coat stand in their bedroom these days do they? You can switch on the lights all you like but they're still stood there, you just feel less vulnerable in the light.  

I've spent the last seven years of my life compiling the paranormal experiences of anyone willing to share their story with me, in the hope that I might just be able to convince a few more people that there is such a thing as the paranormal. I don't want to be considered crazy anymore. I don't want the world to continue ignoring this stuff. 

I have travelled throughout the UK meeting as many people as I could in person, to speak about their experiences. I reached out online for stories from people across the globe and sure enough, I received a lot. Maybe one day I'll have enough money to travel abroad and meet some of the people whose stories I have included in this book. 

But for now reader I hope that this book enlightens you and that you too come to share my opinion on the existence of the paranormal. 

Stay safe reader. Sometimes the more you ignore a spirit the more volatile they can become. I discovered this the hard way. 

Your friend, 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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