ch.1 lost

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Voilet: "Oh dear, its been 3 wait no..7 Aghh i dont know, but i've been out here for at least a couple of days and I can't even find my way *checks bag* "great and i'm also out of food that's FANTASTIC!!" *starts screaming*


"lemme introduce myself, my name is voilet and i'm a smurf, you that person there yea thats me I have long dark voilet hair with pigtails and I wear a burgundy overall skirt with a matching burgundy hat If you're wondering why i'm screaming, well lets just say I sorta got lost when I was chasing these purple and green butterflies and when i stopped I looked back to see that I wasn't near my home and for the past few days i've been trying to look for my home but I can't seem to find it anyways lemme continue"

voilet: "i'M neVeR gOnNa fInD mY waY baCK hoMe"

*I fall down to the floor and I start to whine but then out of nowhere my stomach then starts to growl really loud*

voilet: "gosh i'm really hungry, I should go look for some food that I can eat"

*I then go search for food, I start looking for hours just to find anything I can eat but I can't seem to find anything and i'm starting to go crazy*


*I keep looking and looking but I cant seem to find anything until I keep on walking and then I come across a village, its not like any other village though, theres a whole bunch of mushroom houses sourounded everywhere. I then look around and then I see a feild where theres blueberry bushes*


*I then go running towards the feild where the blueberry bushes are and then I start shoving my face with blueberries and I start eating the blueberries and I start picking the blueberries and I put them in my bag so i could save them for later*

Voilet: "Oh my gosh this is so-"

*Before I could finish I hear someone coming I then start to panic looking around for somewhere to hide then I see a pile of hey and I go behind it and hide*

Farmer: "Uhm yea sure i'll get you a basket full of them. WHAT THE HEY! where did the blueberries go? I could've sworn there were at least a few here!"

*I'm still behind the pile of hey and as i'm hearing someone talking, they have a really deep voice, I then start stress eating shoving the blueberries up my mouth getting nervous if I get caught but then I choke on one of the blueberries and I start coughing out loud*

farmer: "Huh?
*turns around to the pile of hey and starts walking towards it*

Voilet: *whispers* "oh shoot...think think what do I do...??"

*I start to panic and I stay put sitting down on the floor still hiding behind the pile of hey hoping that i won't get caught*

*Farmer grabs his rake ready to attack in case if anything jumps him he then goes behind the pile of hey just to find a smurf but not a boy smurf a girl smurf eating his blueberries*

Farmer: "So you're the one who's been stealing and eatin my blueberries!!"

*I turn my head around and I see a smurf just like me but different, he has green overalls with a straw hat. I get scared and I get up quickly and I start running not realizing i'm running the opposite way from where I came from I then stop to see more smurfs just like me but they all have similar hats and pants, I start to panic and I turn to my back and see the smurf with the green overalls chasing me*

*stops to catch his breathe*

*hefty and handy both see farmer catching his breathe and they go up to him confused on why he's running*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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