Operation: Master Albedo's Secret Birthday Party!

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"Sucrose! Sucrose! Do you know todays a super duper! special day for Albedo!?" Klee exclaims running up to sucrose

"No i wasnt informed of this day being important to master albedo, What is today?"

"Does september 13th ring any bells?" Klee asks excited

Sucrose jumps back and gasps "I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT ITS MASTER ALBEDOS BIRTHDAY!" Sucrose shouts

"We should throw a party! A really cool one with balloons,yummy fish,cute dollies,dodoco,and dandelions" klee says with her eyes sparkling"

"That sounds more like a klee birthday party"

"You mean not everyone likes dodoco,fish,dolls or things klee likes?" klee asked with a newly found attitude

"That dosen't matter I dont think master albedo would like a party at all..Klee im sorry"

"Aww...Why not??" Klee asked pouting

"Well albedo dosen't like partys and things revolved around him because he feels parties are a waste of time and he just wants to experiment in peace" I explain to klee

"Oohh okayy" Klee looks away with a decitful smirk.

"I was just on my way to the lab do you want to come with me?"

"uhh no im fine...I must discuss an important matter with diona"

"Oh really? Kleee...Are you planning on throwing that party all by yourself?

"what! of course not, do you take me as a person uncapable of truth, Do you take me as one who would be decitful to you as you are someone who thou i care for deeply"

"yeahhh right, but when you lie you start to talk formal well klee i will be in the lab come get me when you want start planning it"

"Your not mad at klee?"

"Why would i be...I appreciate what you wanna do for master albedo"

"oh okay ill come get you when were ready, Byeeee!!!" klee waddles off happily

I smile "Id give everything to be a child again" I think to myself while walking to the lab.

"Master Albedo..Im back from my errend I also brought you some food just in case"

"Thank you sucrose, but although I appreciate the thought the food was a bit unnecessary"

"No it wasnt...master albedo I havent seen you eat in two days.."

"That would be logical because i havent eaten in two days, Is there a problem

"Why" Sucrose says with her voice breaking up

"Why do I have to..? Im just busy most of the time and I dont think It is that much of Importance"

"A-albedo you must eat It is very important" Albedo looked shocked

"Did she just call me albedo?" He thought to himself shaking the feeling off he had by hearing her say his name

"Did I do something wrong?" She questions she quickly then covers her mouth realizing she just called albedo by his real name

"IM S-ORRY M-MASTER ALB..EDO ILL NEV-ER DO IT AGAIN.." She quickly explains stuttering

"No Its fine...I have told you multiple times that we are the same age you dont have to call me master"

"I know but it seems weird finally call you by your name huh?"

"No it felt quite nic- normal actually" He quickly corrects his sentence

"Well lets get to work"

3:29am-Sucroses alarm clock rings

"Master albedo my alarm is ringing"

"And what does that mean?"

"Its time for you to eat...Can you please just take a break working nonstop is unhealthy"

"I suppose so.." He says putting down his beaker

They both eat

"Master albedo may I leave for the day?"

"You may"

Sucrose walks over to the door and looks at albedo "Master albedo..."

"What Is It?" He says taking off his gloves

"Can you promise me something?"

"Depends" he says suspiciously

"Just..." She looks away from albedo breaking eye contact

"Just make sure you get some sleep tonight and take care of yourself"

"No promises.. But I will do everything In my control"

"Thanks.." She looks up and looks into his eyes

They make eye contact staring at each other for a while until sucrose freaks out

"GOODNIGHT MASTER ALBEDO" She says quickly turning completely red and bumping her head on the door when she opens it

"I dont get It" Albedo thinks to himself

"Why does she care so much?"' he smiles to himself while putting his supplies up

" Goodnight sucrose, "

He almost chuckled.

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