The Diary...

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• | 11:20 PM. | •

Dave cannot sleep. He just wanted to know why his rival, his long term personal adult bully, David, hates him. So he basically got up from his bed and went on his wheelchair while he still was wearing his pajamas and wheeled out of his room and out of his home carefully without waking up his son Tristan. And once he's now out of the house in the middle of the night, he went out to search David's house to find a way in.


Finally, he found his house. Man that stupid David... I really wanna know why he hates me...

Dave thought to himself.

He sees a open window with the curtains of it flapping in the cold night wind. He forgot to close that window so Dave went over to the opened window and began to crawl inside the window, into the room of David's room. Luckily he's not in there because that would be a different story if he was in the room. So, he tried to get up with his robotic prosthetic legs since it's hard for him to walk. Due to his hard time walking towards the drawer beside his bed.

When he managed to get towards the drawer, he searched the top drawer which had nothing, but his EpiPen, phone, and random book which was there. He got irritated and-

Wait... A random book? He picked up the book and look at it suspiciously... A diary. David's Diary!

Dave: "Why does my great rival have a diary?"

He said, still looking at the diary. He wondered if he could open it? It has no lock on it! So Dave opened his the book and saw the first page and began to read it...

• | Page 1 | •

Dear Diary. This is my first time using this diary since I'm at my school. I am always a lonely kid who just writes on this stupid book I had!

Oh well, my reading was doing good but my science class is just garbage since it won't let me use my book here. I'll give more updates sooner or later anyways.

- David Sussus Moggus


Dave: "Hehe... I didn't know he was bad at science..."

Dave muttered to himself. He went on to the next page which was page 2.

• | Page 2 | •

Dear Diary. I'm basically upset that this pretty girl won't date me at all! Man I hate it when she ignores my paper airplanes of love letters to her every time.

I also didn't like it when the teacher won't believe me when I told them she didn't like me. I don't know why she hates me in the first place...

- David Sussus Moggus


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