Gay 2

2 1 0

              Lilia's pov

Lilia breath in, got this ...
So i skipped first period today, I've literally been hiding since i return to dorm yesterday.
I've been covering a scarf since then,
Everyone's been busy arranging so i have not been noticed... i pray it continues this way...
Told Andrea I'll skip English..she didn't ask for reasons..glad tho/
Obviously no scarfs are allowed during school hours😭...i don't know how people will react..
I know it's just a hair cut...
"Okay breatheeeeee..."i can see June and Andrea.. it's free period,i should grace my presence now...
"Hey guys"i try to look confident i swear
"Lilia! Why! Did! You! Cut! Your! Hair!???"Andrea screams.
Ohh..tell me Arnold didn't ask you out during summer??*chuckles* decided to turn gayyy.." harmony the bitch says from nowhere.
The whole class bursts out laughing.just before harmony could utter something else June cuts her off

Well..what can I say..
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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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