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Sylvia woke up and stretched. Another wonderful day she thought, stood up and walked in front of her mirror, memories of last night flooded her and she sighed, spoke to soon, she touched her lips, she couldn't believe that Jack her worst enemy had kissed this lips, this beautiful lips, images of him kissing her came to her head and she flushed, maybe it wasn't going to be that bad, all she needs to do was give it a try right, it's good to try new things, she mentally smacked herself she didn't just think of giving Jack a chance, but one thing that wasn't clear was, what's in it for Jack though.

*Leo's POV*

Completely stressed out, I cracked my knuckles and stretched, I checked  the clock on the reading table and knew I  was going to be late, still that jerk needed information on Edwin's son, I  took a bite on of my sandwich and started working, after 30 more minutes, I  only found out that Edwin's wife married a Korean dude, she was from Korea also, stayed in America with her son and traveled back to Korea, where her name changed, the guy she married had a successful business, so it was like happily ever after, but the weird part was that there was no picture of their son,maybe he was camera shy or something, I  groaned,stood up, took my bag, I  am going to complete this when I got back from school, besides if Jack needed the information so much he might as well search for it himself.
I  went out my room and closed the door feeling confident, maybe that's what I 'll say to him, go get some else to run your errand.

"What?"  Jack said with a brow raised in question, this was not how I had pictured it in my head.

"I was close man,what do you need the information for anyways " I said as i looked around the park,seeing Ace approaching I  felt relieved.

"Just one damn job Leo.."

"What's going on?" He asked

"Leo hasn't gotten the information I need" he was a bit annoyed

"Well get the information yourself"


"If you think it's that easy get it yourself" he repeated,

"exactly what I wanted to say" feeling a lot braver now that Ace was with me,Jack can be scary when he was angry so I didn't want to get on his nerves then, but now that Ace is with me,he wouldn't do anything to hurt me,not that I was afraid,just taking some safety precautions.

Jack sighed and used his hand to rake his hair "I'm sorry I got annoyed, there are a lot of things going on at home, I shouldn't vent it out on you"

I only smiled "I understand, your mom's remembrance is in four days now and then you have that issue with Sylvia" Jack smirked

"You've been behaving strangely ever since the birthday party" Ace said

"What do you mean?" Jack frowned

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

"I never had feelings for her"Jack was annoyed again,he hated personal questions

" Then why are you willing to help her?"

"I'm just being nice" he leaned on his car

"Are you sure?"

"What's up with you and Claire?" Jack asked.

A question to answer another question, Ace hated that,this was interesting, I wished I had a popcorn right now.

The two looked at themselves and decided not to ask themselves any more personal questions.

"How lucky ,you guys get a complicated love life and all I get is a leftover dinner mom left for me yesterday" they both glared at me and I raised my hands in surrender.

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