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Vivienne Federovna 24 years oldFuture Donna of the Russian Mafia

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Vivienne Federovna
24 years old
Future Donna of the Russian Mafia

Father, Alexei Federov 56 y.
Mother, Fiona Federov, 45 y
Ekaterine & Viktoria Federov , 15 y.
Leonid Federov, 20 y.

„ Я пошлю вас всех в ад, скажите сатане мое имя, он должен иго запомнить."


Ezra Adragna 30 years oldFuture Don of the Italian Mafia

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Ezra Adragna
30 years old
Future Don of the Italian Mafia

Father, Alessio Adragna, 67 y.
Mother, Siennna Adragna, 46 y.
Draco & Dante Adragna, 16 y.
Vittoria Adragna, 25 y.
Keisha Adragna, 23 y.
Xanthe & Ines Adragna, 20 y.
Ignacio Adragna, 18 y.

„Io faccio quello che voglio"


This book contens violence of all forms, blood, broken limbs, strong language and sexual content
Please read at your own risk.

Book started: 19 August 2022
Book ended: —


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