A Woman Walks Alone At Night

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Peppermint Oak, a peppermint-themed lady with dark brown skin and red hair and green eyes, walks down the street at night. Herbert Smart, a possum man with long dark red hair, wearing spiky black wristbands and a white tattered tank top that had the word 'DUDE' in red lettering, walks with his paws in his jeans' pockets, his eyes closed as he listens to music with headphones in his black ears. Herbert opens his eyes and sees Peppermint Oak. A figure with a cursed big cat skull mask, wearing a black hoodie, with cat ears and a cat tail, and black baggy pants, walks up behind Herbert. Herbert had been bullied for his long red hair, this had led to an internalized hatred of long red hair, and was externalized with Herbert strangling any women with long red hair to death. He had done it fourteen times in the past, and was looking to do it again as he took his paws from out of his jeans' pockets, approaching Peppermint. The Bleeding Heart Killer comes up behind him and grabs him, Herbert is startled as he gasps. Herbert tries to pull himself away from The Bleeding Heart Killer. The Bleeding Heart Killer pulls him into an alleyway, Herbert sobs and pleads, "Please, please, please, please let me go. Don't hurt me."

The Bleeding Heart Killer spray paints, 'If you hurt her, I'll hurt you.'

Herbert pleads, "I won't hurt her. Please, please, please forgive me."

The Bleeding Heart Killer lets go of him, Herbert shouts, "Thank you!"

The Bleeding Heart Killer disappears into the darkness. Herbert runs out of the alleyway in a panic, Peppermint Oak sees him run out of the alleyway. Herbert gets down on his knees in front of Peppermint Oak, holding onto her legs in terror.

"Is there anything that I can do for you?!" Herbert Smart asks.

"What is this about?" Peppermint asks.

The Bleeding Heart Killer comes out of the darkness. Herbert closes his eyes when he sees The Bleeding Heart Killer and buries his head into Peppermint's leg.

Herbert shouts, "I'm not going to hurt you! I was going to hurt you but please tell him that I won't! Call him off!"

Peppermint Oak asks, "Who's that?!"

"That's The Bleeding Heart Killer and I think he loves you!" Herbert shouts.

Peppermint says, "Ooooohhh. Well, maybe if we all loved each other then we'd all be safe."

Herbert says, "Okay, I'll love you both."

"YAY! YESSSS!" Peppermint cheers.

The Bleeding Heart is cuddling her and him, Herbert gives a smile and cuddles them both.

Peppermint is cuddling them back and asks Herbert, "Wait, why were you trying to hurt me before now?"

Herbert says, "I was bullied for having long red hair so I hate women with long red hair."

"Why don't we just go after our bullies?" Peppermint asks.

"...That's a great idea!" Herbert responds.

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