Chapter 1

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The wind blew through her hair causing it to be filled with a bunch of tiny tangles, she thought back to when Rogue would gently brush each one out complimenting her beauty. She missed that, he was the only one that could make her feel the way he did and now he was dead. It had been two years since the apocalypses broke out and Kagura had watched as her lover had gone with the other dragon slayers to try and stop the spread only to find out later that they were only used as a sacrifice so that those who had sent them would have enough time to escape. The ace of Mermaid Heel had been able to survive with the help of Erza and Jellal but about a month ago Titania had been attacked by some other survivors and her injuries had gotten infected, so now it was just Kagura and Jellal keeping each other safe, it was the last promise either of them had made to Erza after all. Kagura could feel the tears burning in her eyes she had lost everyone she cared about, first Simon then her guild, Yukino, Erza, even Rogue and Frosch she wasn't sure she could do this much longer, she and Jellal knew that the only other survivors were people that would attack them so why did they keep up this foolish mission of trying to find someone?
"Are you going to eat?" Jellal asked, pulling Kagura out of her thoughts, he had done everything he could to keep her alive and she really did appreciate that, but he had forgotten to take care of himself in the process so she decided that he should have what little food they had for the time being.
"No you need it more than me, I'll be fine." The gravity mage said, sitting down opposite of her companion. He, however, refused saying he ate earlier, she knew he was lying but she also knew that he wouldn't give up without a fight so she made him agree to split it. The two sat in a tense silence, they had to stay alert anyone could ambush them at any time and would likely have a backup.
"I was planning on heading south tomorrow, I overheard someone saying that they saw a group of seven mages. They might be someone we know" the heavenly body user explained as the fire started to die out. Kagura just nodded in reply, she didn't want to get her hopes up. It had been two years and they had not found a single familiar face that was still alive, they had come across several corpses though.
By the next afternoon, the two had made it to what used to be Hargeon, this is where the group of mages was said to be though Kagura had a bad feeling about this. It was eerily quiet and no one seemed to be around however there were signs of people, and by the looks of it, they had been here a few minutes ago. She was about to voice her concerns to Jellal when they were surrounded by what she assumed used to be residents of the town. Kagura slowly moved her hand down towards Archenemy preparing for battle only to have a kusarigama pierce her arm. She let out a scream of agony, the weapon seemed to have been laced with a poison strong enough to bring her down. Jellal tried to attack the enemies but was unsuccessful and fell down on the pavement, blood covering the left side of his face. Kagura was certain that they were going to die, there wasn't anyone left to help them they would get beat up by these aggressors and no one would care. She was just about to give up when a figure appeared in front of her and started fighting off the others, she then noticed another person. Why did they seem so familiar, she couldn't quite place it as the pain was making it hard to think and she was pretty sure she was losing consciousness, just before she blacked out she saw an attack that for some reason reminded her of Fairy Tail.
Kagura awoke with a start frantically looking around at her surroundings, questions filling her head, where was she, what happened to Jellal, and who were those people that had fought off her aggressors? She went to stand up to try and find someone that could give her answers but fell back down in pain from yesterday's wound. After a second she regained her strength, well at least enough to walk, and left the tent that she was in. As she walked out she was met with the glare of an unforgiving sun and the sounds of friendly conversations. After adjusting to the light Kagura found herself in a camp of disheveled mages, she recognized them as mages from the various guilds in Fiore. She looked around hoping to find someone she actually knew personally, she could point out some of the better-known mages such as Lyon and Bacchus yet none that she was close to. And then she saw him, crimson red eyes, soft black hair, the little scar across his face. It was the man she thought she would never see again, yet there he was just a few feet away from her and he looked just as shocked as she felt.
"Rouge" it started out as a whisper, but then she was yelling his name for everyone to hear as she ran into his arms letting the tears fall. The two held on to each other as if they would be separated again if they let go. Then she broke, she couldn't hold in the emotions any longer she wanted everything to go back to normal, her and Rouge cuddling with Frosch, Erza and Yukino teasing her about her romantic life, Sting and Jellal at the top of her kill list, it was perfect and now all that was left was a few mages in a camp that obviously had been abended and resettled by the survivors.
"Hey, it's alright I'm right here, I won't let anything happen to you," Rouge said, running his fingers through the purple hair that he loved so much. He knew that once she calmed down she would tell him why she was so upset, though he had an idea of what it might be.
"I'm so sorry Rouge I wasn't strong enough to protect everyone, they all dead even Frosch." The swordswoman cried choking on her words, she honestly didn't deserve to live if she couldn't even keep others alive. Rouge just hummed in response he was not at all surprised by her words and she wasn't aware of what actually happened, though he decided that she could use some time to recollect herself before taking her to the others. What he was unsure about though was who had brought her here, he knew it wasn't Sting or Wendy they were with him, he would have to go ask around later.
"Hey come with me there's something I want to show you," the shadow dragon slayer said, taking her hand and leading her to a section of the camp that was flooded with laughter. Kagura looked around at all the smiling faces, she thought they were dead. She saw them die right in front of her eyes so how were they here? The gravity mage felt to her knees a fresh set of tears forming only this time they were out of joy she saw Millianna, Beth, Arana, Risley, Yukino, Minerva, Sting, Lector, and Frosch. She couldn't help, she cried until she couldn't while her friends embraced her explaining how Wendy had found them and did her best to heal everyone.
The couple sat by the fire taking in the silence, it seemed as though everything would be fine. Rouge was about to lean in for a kiss when suddenly they were interrupted by Laxus, who, seeing that someone was already there, decided to walk away to give them some privacy.
"Laxus thanks for bringing Kagura here, oh and tell Natsu the same for me alright," Rouge said as the lightning user walked off. He had figured out that they were the ones that had saved her and Jellal after overhearing a conversation between Lucy and Yukino. The two then finally shared a well overdue kiss and spent the rest of the night together.

If I get any great ideas I will continue this but for now it's only this chapter.

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