Chapter 6: Beware of He Who Deviates

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The boy shuts his book and smiles at Diego

"Ah, hello there. Partner." says the softspoken Poet in a smooth and calming voice. Diego clenches his sword and lets his irritation be known by uttering "tch". The Poet takes notice of Diego's irritation and chuckles a little before planting his blood-coated scythes into the ground cleanly while holding out his hand as a sign of peace.

"We... seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Believe me, it was never my intention, Diego Coronatus." The Poet gives off an eery vibe, something about him is very mysterious however in a way, it also soothes Diego's hostility. Diego looks down at the Poet's hands. Neither too silky or roughened up, enough to tell that he's a fighter. 

"How do you know my name?" states Diego still in a stern tone. The Poet's eyes widen and then he laughs it off.

"You realize who you are, right? Everybody knows the Coronatus if you've listened in History. You're quite famous." the poet teases Diego. Diego's worry seems to fade away as he grasps the boy's hand and shakes it.

"Then that makes us partners for a few years then. Let's get along... um-" Diego stutters realizing he doesn't know the Poet's name leaving him confused but the Poet finishes his sentence for him.

"N. You can call me, N." N says smiling. N then walks towards his scythes and picks them up and rests both of them on his shoulders. "Where to now, partner? I believe the temple is over yonder." N vocalizes, Diego walks over next to him. N holds out his finger pointing at the gathering of trees that seem to slightly open almost as if it were circling a structure. "I believe our best bet is right there..." N proposes the idea to Diego, he doesn't bother to contest N's idea since Diego doesn't spend much time in the forest therefore he doesn't think he is qualified to guide the both, if it were the snowy tundra of Atlas, it'd be a different story.

"Alright, N. You've got me convinced... lead the way." Diego affirms as he keeps an eye on N through his peripherals. An aching feeling that doesn't seem to leave the back of Diego's mind keeps bugging him because of his new teammate. They walk a few solid meters before hearing the sound of flesh being ripped apart. They both hide behind a bush and take a look at the massacre. A King Taijitu had constricted a wild boar and both heads are trying to devour the carcass but they end up ripping it in two, Diego shudders at the sight and peeks at N who hardly seems fazed. "I thought Grimm didn't attack wild animals..." Diego says quietly so that their location isn't given away.

"They do not harbour any enmity towards animals although it is very likely that they clash during territorial disputes which can lead to the massacre you are witnessing now. The only races that are kill on sight for them are us Humans and Faunus." N explains while slowly moving around the bush.

"What are you doing..!" Diego says in a strained voice as not to gain the grimm's attention. He slowly catches up to N and grabs his arm. N turns to him and points at the grimm.

"It's distracted, now's our time to strike." N says sternly "You were not actually thinking about running past it? Its keen sense of smell would have picked you up a few minutes afterwards and hunted us down and attacked us when we least expect it." N looks at the grimm as he pulls out his batons that conceal Sky Eater and looks at Diego hoping he would back him up.

"Alright fine... let's do this." Diego sighs and lowers his head while N nods in a sign of appreciation. "How do you know so much about grimm..?" Diego asks but before he can question anything he notices N has disappeared. He looks around and somehow N had appeared behind a tree emerging from the shadows casted by the leaves and leaning closer to the grimm's blindside. In an instant, N leaps into the air and his batons he was carrying split open and turn into his weapon Sky Eater, in a rolling motion, he dives down hoping to carve and yank out a chunk of grimm flesh but the grimm notices him and with one of its heads smacks N to a tree but with close to no effort, N lands sideways on the tree with his feet and shoots off of it. "He's really agile... I'm not about to be left on the sidelines." Diego says confidently as he jumps from out of the bush and revs G.C to the point where the blade is coated in flames and slides his fingers on the ground while he's still running causing the ground to shake slightly and shoot out from its place acting as a ramp. He jumps off the ramp, above the heads of the grimm while they're focused on N, he delivers a clean cut to the white snake's head severing it from its body while cauterising the wound on the grimm almost instantly. N takes the opportunity to kill the other head right away. He blinks behind the remaining snake's head almost appearing from within its shadow and Diego could've sworn that in his iris/pupils, a crosshair had formed and in that instant N smashes his scythes against the grimm and it exploded immediately sending grimm ashes everywhere. There in the middle of grimm ashes stood N absorbing the feeling of accomplishment, he looks at Diego and smirks.

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