One Dark Night

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One Dark Night

It was cold, dark and raining. As Lilly was walking threw an alley, she could hear foot steps. They were getting louder and louder, quicker and quicker. Lilly walked faster but as she did the footsteps got quicker. Almost as if they were following her.

Many people would just think that there were two people walking down an alley at the same time. But Lilly had saw the person who was following her, it was her stalker. The one person who could tell you where Lilly was or where she had been, he follows her everywhere. Lilly does not know who this person is, she only knows he goes by the name of Adam and he follows her everywhere, lives next door to her and know everything about her.

Lilly turns around. She says “Hello, can I help you?” Adam replies “Yes Lilly you can, I love you with all my heart, I miss you”. Lilly thinks to herself how can he miss me when i dont know who he is. She replies “But Adam I dont know you”, “You do Lilly, you do, just think long and hard, think far back into the past. You will know who I am”.

It turns out Adam was Lilly’s boyfriend from secondary school. They were together for two years. But Lilly never forgot about this she just didnt think it was him. Adam never got over Lilly, infact he hasn’t had a girlfriend since. Hes lived alone, with just one wish. That Lilly still loves him, and that she is willing to give him another chance.

2 years later............................

Lilly and Adam are happily married and have two children, Leah and Steven. Lilly agreed too give Adam a second chance, and it all worked out well. But there was one problem. Lilly was suffering from cancer. She was dying.

Adam prayed every day for Lilly to get better. Even though everyone knew it was too late, something that was never going to happen. Something impossible. Adam would sit at the side of Lilly’s bed every day, all day. He never left her side. Leah and Steven lived with Lilly’s sister, Dawn. Dawn cared for both children, she took them regulary to see their Mom, she did the job that Lilly couldn’t do.

One night the doctor walked into Lilly’s room and annouced Lilly had a week to live. Adam broke down, he was speechless. He loved Lilly with all his heart and his lifelong wish was to have Lilly forever, his wishes and dreams had just been smashed.

2 weeks later...........................

Today was the day of Lillys funeral. The day Adam would have to face he had lost Lilly forever. The person he loved and cared about with all his heart had gone, not just for a few days on a job, or visiting family. She had gone forever.

Later that day when everyone had gone home, Adam sat down next to Lilly’s grave and read “Lilly you own my heart and soul, youll always be in my heart. Ill never love anyone again. Ill join you one day, in a while. Wait for me, because im coming. I love you”.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2011 ⏰

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