Wings of Fire Rp

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If you want to RP with me on Wings of Fire, then just comment with this information,


Age (in Ranking):

Which Kingdom you are in: (Rainwing, Nightwing, Mudwing, Sandwing, Seawing, Skywing or Icewing)

Mate (optional):




Other: (Anything else you want us to know)

My character:

Name: Skyclimber

Age: Teen

Kingdom: Rainwings

Mate (optional): N/A

Personality: She has a temper very quickly and is very accurate at venom practice and she is a handful

Description: Her main color is purple then her background color is gold giving her a shiny affect when calm, but she changes color all the time because of temper

Background: Abandoned as a baby, she has learned to be self-reliant and a very strong individual.

Other: She's not full blood Rainwing, she's also half Sandwing


NO MATING SCENES (come on people there are innocent people on here)

No transforming into stories (don't take comments and make it a story)

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