The Wicked Wizard

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-- A/N --

this story contains mentions of domestic ab*se! please be safe!

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Quinn. Quinn Woods.

That name meant a lot to them. They had picked out their first name themself for one. A very happy moment in the 17 year old's life.

The last one was adopted, however. Not that they had particularly tried not to take it when it actually happened, but at some point, newly put in a loveless marriage, Quinn had wished they could have their maiden name back.

Before they could do anything about it though, something came up.

Namely a small bouncing boy by the name of Paige.

Paige Woods.

It was such a wonderful name for their baby boy, Quinn couldn't find it in themself to change either of their last names.

But, there was of course the one both of them had inherited the name from.

Mackerel. Mackerel Woods.

With dusty vampire white skin and a slight lisp and almost red eyes, the man had intrigued Quinn way back in college. With their tenacity, it wasn't long before the two of them were friends, then partners, then lovers.

But, and this was a secret, Quinn had never really been interested in Mack that way. They just didn't know in what way they were supposed to like him in, so they simply went through the motions. All the way.

When the marriage bells rang, Quinn had cried.

There was only one person in the world who knew they weren't tears of happiness, but tears of realization.

Carmen. Carmen Aguja.

Carmen was Quinn's first friend in college. It was just a passing help at first, Carmen walking up to the lost student and pointing out the proper way, but eventually it became clockwork.

"I'm so bad at directions..." Quinn remembers saying. "Sorry you have to help me everyday..."

"Eh," Carmen had shrugged, walking down the hallway with them. "What are friends for?"

"We're friends?" Quinn had gasped excitedly, stopping in their tracks.

Carmen looked back, confused. "Aren't we?"

"Yes!" Quinn shouted with enthusiasm, catching up and wrapping both arms around one of Carmen's. "Yes we are! Or, we can be! Or, we are!"

Carmen had chuckled. "You are something else, aren'tcha?"

"In a good way?" Quinn pouted.

"In a good way," Carmen nodded.

Thus was the start (or continuation?) of a wonderful friendship. Carmen was always there for Quinn, and Quinn was always there for Carmen. Thick as thieves, the other students had called them. If there was a Carmen Aguja to be found somewhere, there was no doubt a Quinn Woods somewhere right next to him.

So, when Quinn had taken an interest in Mack, Carmen had supported them wholeheartedly. Even as their hangouts became more scarce and they talked a bit less, Carmen was still always there for Quinn.

It made their heart warm in ways Mack could never quite achieve, no matter how many cheesy pick up lines he used on them, or how much he had tried to flirt with them.

Still, when he had asked Quinn for their hand, Quinn had no idea what to say. So they said yes.

Thus began The Downfall of Quinn Woods.

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