Laser Focus

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When Kuroo accepted Kenma's invitation to laser tag, he should've given it more than a millisecond of thought.

Really, he couldn't blame himself too much because, let's face it, it was damn near impossible to say no to Kenma. He was so pretty and his eyes shone a little bit and Kuroo didn't hesitate for a second before saying yes. And that was that, he'd mentally signed his dignity away in exchange for a date with his boyfriend on the weekend.

Now that he was in the damn maze, Kuroo realized he should've known how badly he was gonna get his ass beat. Because of course his very near chronically online boyfriend would be good at fucking laser tag, it should've been obvious.

But Kuroo was quickly learning that he lost about 99.9 billion of his 100 billion brain cells every time he was with Kenma, like a switch goes off in his brain and he just becomes a helpless idiot. It would explain all the burnt food and ineloquent bullshit he spewed whenever they were together.

But at least Kenma didn't seem to mind, so it was fine. Kuroo just had to hope he'd gain enough intelligence back that next time they went one a date he'd suggest they go out for a nice dinner with apple pie for dessert. Anything but getting annihilated in a game.

Okay, so maybe he was overexaggerating a bit, but then a bleached head popped out from behind one of the thousand walls in the maze. Kenma leapt into the air, one eye closed and a small smile on his face as he aimed straight at Kuroo's sensor. The shot rang true, and before Kuroo could even turn to look back at Kenma, he had dashed off again to go make one of the children in their group cry.

Kuroo groaned, dragging a hand over his face as he moved into a random corner. He needed a plan and fast. As much as Kuroo enjoyed watching Kenma smile and as cute as he looked when he was laser focused, he needed to prove his worth by getting at least one point off of him. He was almost starting to feel bad for farming off of twelve-year-olds.

And then something brilliant came to him, genius truly. All 100 billion brain cells must've been involved in that one.

There was only one problem though, Kuroo actually had to find Kenma in this man made, two-story hell. Before Kenma found him first no less.

Kuroo sighed again before he charged into the neon maze with newfound determination and a plan.


After Kuroo had been shot at least half a dozen more times by Kenma, he was getting ready to give up. Every time he thought Kenma was right around the corner he seemed to move on in a flash or pop out right before Kuroo even had a chance to think.

But finally, finally, his opportunity was there. Kenma had just shot him, this time not only was his left eye closed, but his tongue was sticking out slightly and Kuroo almost died. Still, he managed to get his shit together so he would be fast enough to follow Kenma down the corridor.

Kuroo watched closely as Kenma crept through the maze with surprising certainty. While he was hesitant, he also seemed to know exactly where to go. It made Kuroo wonder how many damn times Kenma had been to this place.

Finally, Kenma stopped at a corner of the maze, head barely peeking around the corner as he observed his next target (or victim, you decide). Even from the other side of the short hall, Kuroo could hear the abnormally loud whispering on the other end.

It was time, Plan A was a go, folks.

Kuroo sprinted down the hallway, thanking god for his speed as Kenma turned towards him just a second too late. With a plastic gun pointed in his direction, Kuroo grabbed the front of Kenma's shirt with his open hand, backing him into the wall. Kuroo grinned a bit at Kenma's small gasp and wide eyes before he leaned in to whisper, "I'm getting so distracted by how cute you are it's getting too easy for you to shoot me."

Then he leaned in, pressing his lips to Kenma's.

And if there was anything Kuroo had learned from dating Kenma, it was that kisses melted him. Kuroo felt Kenma relax under his grasp as he softly sighed into Kuroo's mouth. Without breaking the kiss, Kenma managed to let his gun fall to the side as he snaked his arms around Kuroo's neck and pulled him in closer. Kuroo could feel Kenma's heart racing underneath his hand and he smiled, deepening the kiss.

Perfect, it was all coming together.

Kuroo fought the urge to slide his tongue into Kenma's mouth and pulled away when he couldn't breathe anymore. Both of them were panting, breaths mingling together as they stayed where they were for a moment. Kenma was flushed pink and looked everywhere but Kuroo's eyes, laser tag long forgotten.

With a small prayer for forgiveness and an ashamed glance, Kuroo stepped back and pointed his gun at Kenma with the same laser focus he'd seen in his eyes half an hour before.

The moment seemed to go down in slow motion, Kenma's eyes widened as he scrambled to reach for his gun, realizing all too quickly that it was too late. Kuroo closed one eye and pulled the trigger, watching the little red beam head straight into the sensor on Kenma's chest.

The colour kinda matched Kenma's flushed face.

The beeping of Kenma's sensor brought Kuroo out of his action movie moment. Kenma looked so pissed that Kuroo almost regretted it, almost. He was still backed into the wall and was sending Kuroo a glare that would've killed the average person.

"Wow, Kuroo. I didn't think you'd stoop that low," Kenma grumbled, moving to aim his gun in Kuroo's direction. Kuroo would have to run within the next couple seconds if he wanted to savour his victory.

"I wouldn't call it stooping, just doing what has to be done!" Kuroo said, blowing Kenma a kiss before racing down the hallway and leaving Kenma alone in the short corridor.

"Ugh, you're so annoying," Kuroo faintly heard Kenma say, followed by the sound of footsteps in his direction. But Kuroo had always had far more stamina than Kenma (ironically enough, being the setter and all), and he was long gone before Kenma could catch sight of him.

Kuroo smiled, allowing himself to bask in victory for a full thirty seconds before Kenma surprise attacked him again, this time with a special edition middle finger added in after the shot. Kuroo winked at him and laughed as Kenma blushed before rolling his eyes and darting away once again.

Maybe laser tag wasn't all that bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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