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                              Friday night, finally time for the big game everyone had been waiting for, everyone except the raven haired mermaid. Wrapped in her baby pink jacket and warm pink gloves around her hands to keep them from the annoying cold temperatures of both the night and the school ice rink.  The ice hockey state tournament was being held in Midviel high. Everyone was excited to finally watch the awaited match between the blue bears and the Midviel vamps. Both teams were splendid and well matched. With Powerful teammates and determined team head strong captains, who was going to stop either of them from getting the cup would be determined by them and them only. Despite hating every single moment in the ice chamber she felt the need to be there. She was going to learn more about the silver head.

"Try not to look away." Fred urges Hayden as he finishes putting his knee pads and helmet on before giving her a kiss on her right cheek. "Why are you mocking me? I always keep my eyes open. I mean who else is going to remind you of Jack getting pressed hard on the glass." "Hahaha very funny my teeth almost fell out from how powerful that joke was. Ron pass me my stick, Hayden you better pray to your God I don't slip and fling this at you." He evilly chuckles walking towards the rest of the team sitting next to Derrick not wanting to give Hayden a reason to continue mocking him."I don't understand why are you playing not to be rude or anything, I thought you do not play?" The raven head asks still trying to wrap everything going on her blue eyes darting around from players to the already set rink, the settling audience dressed in their school colours talk about a full fan service support."Okay I guess there is no better way to state it. We are part of the line up..." Fred states only to get interrupted. "Yet you don't practice? Are you some kind of ice hockey geniuses?" Fred could not tell why he felt the words that rolled of our of his tongue get flushed back in his voice box. Was it the way she asked it or her tone or maybe it was just the simple interruption that didn't give them time to think. "You can say we have been playing it all our lives. Playing something this long can be quite boring." Ron quickly answers covering Fred's absence of words. "I guess that answers why you are in the starting line up?" "Maybe maybe not." "Derrick just uses us for the last two games." "That's crazy of him. You three are practically out of practice and barely participating in the other games how does the coach approve of it. Again am sorry just being practical here, I should be changing school colours and cheer for the rival team instead." "What? No you should not, I guess we are just too gifted, we have never lost a game Ruby believe me. Even Jack is quite an asset. He may seem hateful on the sports culture barely gives a 10% during P.E but when it calls for it he wakes up. You can place your bets on us." Ron over explains already feeling underestimated with a few stabbing words. He knew she did not mean it her questions were valid her thoughts extensive and far stretched. It almost brought a wide smile to his lips. "I just hope you play better than you assume, it is a dangerous game, sports men tend to die from cardiac arrest caused by overstrenous activities to their poor little hearts. Again don't take it personally am just being practical here." "Ouch Ruby you should dial that talk down a notch we are still in highschool." Fred chuckles. "Don't worry just keep your eyes on us and you can tell why we are first in line." "You seem confident enough good luck your coach is calling." Ruby states pointing at the yelling middle aged man with hair dark and uncombed abused by the number of times he seemed to be pushing it backwards and upward. "Have fun." Hayden smiles to both boys giving a quick peck on Fred's lips setting him free to join his team mates.

"I can't believe am here instead of being somewhere else." Complains Ruby as she moves towards the front row seats saved by Hayden and  protected by one of her club members from the chess club. "What is more important than this?" Ruby throws her an 'are you seriously asking me that' look. "Do you want me to make a list?" "I know there are more important things but please stay." "It peeks no interest of mine Hayden I should just take two minutes to confirm our friend's capabilities and then say take my leave, the blanket is calling my name sleep is screaming at me abusing the fact that am ignoring it." "Just stay for the full game if not for the boys for Derrick." "You are forcing me to cheer for my enemy." Hayden chuckles finding ruby absolutely engaging. Already has a foe after a few days of school who does that? She is quite an interesting character. "He is not your enemy." "He declared that himself, am lucky enough if he doesn't end up teaming with Jack on throwing their sticks our way." "Okay okay um I guess Derrick is a terrible motivation, I thought you were the type to learn more about your foe." "So what should I do it for?and please don't say 'for me' cause I will stand up." "Let's do it for the school, the cheer spirit, the hotdogs. Two please." Requests Hayden stretching out her hands to receive the passing hotdogs handing one over to Ruby. "You are making me wish I was on a diet. Fine I'll stay." The statement got the blonde giggling dumping a purple scarf on Ruby's thighs before turning her eyes back to the game that was yet to start.

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