Confession 💔

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Author's Pov.......

Ohm's love for Nanon is getting deep day by day he can't deny it more because he is insecure that someone will snatch him because he already knows about Dew and his secret crush on Nanon so decided to confess his love now he is decorating their old garden. When they are little they always used to play here no one come to this garden because Mr. Kirdapan built a new one so they abandoned this one he wants his confession to be very romantic. He doesn't care if Nanon will reject him or accept him he just wants to confess his Fifteen years feelings to him now he had enough now he doesn't wanna hide.

He was in the old garden decorating it beautifully he is waiting for the night and giving a surprise to Nanon.

"Oh someone is blushing have you done with decorations," said someone from behind making Ohm flinch. He turned towards the owner of the voice and smiled.

"Yes, almost do you think he will like it", Ohm asked him nervously.

"Look the whole garden is looking so pretty of course Master Nanon will like it so much that he will say yes immediately and kiss you hard, "that boy said teasing him and nudging his shoulder on his shoulder.

"Shut up Korn I am nervous here and you are making fun of me," he said and softly Puch his friend's arm. Korn is also a servant in Kirdapan's Mansion he is two years older than Ohm but they both live like brothers and also know about Ohm's crush on Nanon always supports him.

"Ok fine now it's getting late so you also have to get ready to see yourself! Oh God, you are sweating like a pig go and a take shower I am ready with your plan" Korn said while closing his nose and backing away from Ohm to tease him.

"Oh God you and your melodrama idiot fine I am going to confess him after waiting for fifteen years finally", Ohm said while glancing over his work and they both walked away.
But they are unaware that someone is listening to their whole conversation with an evil smirk on his face.

But they are unaware that someone is listening to their whole conversation with an evil smirk on his face

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Nanon was sitting in his room with Love both are watching an action movie. Love is enjoying the movie but Nanon is sitting there all gloomy.

"What happened Phi why are looking so upset", Love asked her who is sitting beside her.

"Love actually when I was goin' " Before he could finish his sentence a loud knock interrupted him.

"Sorry to disturb you Master but I want to take you somewhere," Korn said while bowing his head.

"Where forget it let's go" Nanon got up and started to follow Korn. They are walking towards the garden entrance and suddenly Korn stopped his track and turned back to see Nanon.

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