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"You know... When you're locked up and knocked out in the dungeon... I saw something really interesting... We aren't so different, you and I."

That made Dawn freeze in mid-flight, as well as in her attacks. She glared at the Black Mage, wondering what he would make up to mess up with her concentration. Again.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She growled, hating herself for wanting to know.

"Remember when I told you I couldn't put you under my control? Well, that's a lie. Because there was no need to put you in control... No need to threaten that darling friend of yours-"

He's lying... He has to be lying. If he could really control me, why can't he do it now? Why can't-

"... Because I saw you. We aren't that much different, Dawn. You and me... We grew up learning about abandonment first thing at hand. We were innocent, so naïve... How could those people abandoned such precious souls? How could someone treat such innocent creatures... Inhumanely? Those bastards deserved to die."


"They were supposed to protect us. They were supposed to love us. But instead of doing all of that, they left us trapped in the darkest depths of our own minds. All because they deemed us worthless. They deemed us unlovable. They deemed us nothing..."

Dawn tried to stop it, but she couldn't. She could feel her resolve crumbling, her walls trembling. No! He was trying to manipulate you, Dawn! He was trying to gain your sympathy so that you could let your guard down, and you will fall into his trap! He's going to kill you, Dawn!

"... They were monsters, Dawn! And you know what we're supposed to do with monsters?" He smirked, seeing the clouded mind of the witch.

Dawn didn't even notice that he got closer until he leaned close to her face and said, almost seductively. "We kill them." His cold voice filled her ears. "Kill the monsters, Dawn."

Meanwhile, at the battle on the ground, the five adventurers were trying so hard to take down the humongous flying beast.

Yeonjun was swinging his sword at the creature, attempting to make contact. But the Dragon kept on flying out of his reach. And even when he did reach it, his blade couldn't seem to penetrate through its thick black scales. The beast only seemed to get angrier.

Taehyun was firing blasts, aiming at the large, powerful wings. He wanted to target its only way of escape. However, its wings seemed indestructible, not affected by any damage or spells.

Soobin was experiencing the same predicament as Yeonjun, because his arrows merely bounced off its scales. He grew frustrated as time passed, but he wouldn't give up.

Beside him was Beomgyu, who could only stand there on standby in case the others needed him for healing. He felt useless as he helplessly watched his group trying to conquer a giant beast.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now