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Pants escaped her lips as Dawn dodged another blast from Beomseok. She has taken a lot of hits from him, but so was he from her. This had been going on for too long. She just wanted to end this once and for all.

"Haven't you had enough?" The Witch panted, glaring daggers at the Black Mage, who just spat out blood to the side and smirked cockily.

"I could do this all day."

Dawn let out an irritated sigh, then conjured up a shield as Beomseok started his assault again, hoping to catch her off guard, but she was ready. Her arms moved quickly as if dancing, deflecting the attacks as they kept hitting her shields. But she knows they were futile. She could sense his frustration growing, as he couldn't land any solid hit on her. She could see his patience was wearing thin.


But you just said you do this all day?

His patience grew thin, seeing that their fight was going nowhere.

But then a wicked idea appeared in his mind when he caught a glimpse of the five adventurers just in time, defeating the Dragon. He grinned evilly at the meddling witch and said, "If I could not win against you, then maybe I could've with them."

Dawn stood still for a moment. His words were not making sense in her mind until she saw him turn away from her and look at something from a distance. Following his gaze to see the boys gathered around, checking each other's injuries and unsuspecting of danger coming for them.

She inhaled sharply when she finally realized what he meant. He was going for the boys...

Her eyes snapped at the Black Mage, who had conjured a crackling purple and black energy in both hands. "NO!" She screamed in distress, throwing herself heedlessly at the range of fire.

She felt what seemed like a bolt of lightning slamming straight into her body, sending her crashing down onto the ground.

"... wn." "... awn." "Dawn!"

She heard muffled cries and calls for her name, which seemed to get louder by the second, along with her heavy breathing. Her vision became blurry. Her body was heavy and sore, and her ears were ringing loudly.

"Dawn! Are you okay?" Squinting her eyes, she managed to focus on the pair of whiskey-brown eyes looking down on her.

"Beomgyu..." She rasped, ignoring the sounds of protest from the others as she sat up. "Your brother's an asshole." She muttered, but was heard by the others, who snickered.

However, her relief was cut short when she saw another similar blast that she received heading in their direction. "No...!" She tried to move, but her muscles refused to listen to her commands. After that, everything felt like it was in slow motion.

She watched with horrified eyes as the bolt of magic was about to hit Beomgyu on his chest when Taehyun appeared. He took the blast head-on, letting out a loud grunt in pain and then collapsing unconscious to the ground.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now