Speak Up, Now

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Kato was never a man to engage in kissing or any act of that lovey shit. In summary, he didn't have much of a love life. And he definitely made it clear when he and Kanbe were on a mission.

It was those typical stakeout missions where they needed to find leads and basically stalk the fucker they wanted to catch. They made a rule to not  use HEUSC whenever they do these long type of assignments. It was mostly because Kato wanted to quote unquote "experience the struggles of a detective who strives off of justice." Maybe he was projecting, maybe not. You'll never know.

Though, expectations never go to reality. Thus making their awesome stakeout, a sad unmotivating wait for their target to slip up and get caught in the act of crime. A long and dreadful bide between them and their prey.

Kato sighed, putting his head down and closing his eyes shut. How long has he gone without blinking again? His eyes sting, like the feeling of opening your eyes when you're in a pool filled with cleaning chemicals.

Rubbing his eyelids, he finally broke the silence between them. "Do you wanna go out for some fresh air? Being in a car with little to no oxygen is making me sick."  He complained even though it was his  idea to not use HEUSC.

Kanbe just rolled his eyes before unlocking the car doors as a gesture of agreement to leave this cage. Kato wouldn't be lying if he says that this was the best air he has ever inhaled in his life. His lungs finally breathed in something that wasn't just reused air conditioning with ramen particles floating about.

Taking in the better scenery, he looked around. The green leaves displaying a crimson orange hue from the setting sun that laid infront of their very own eyes. It reminded him of when he gave Kanbe his detective badge after all the family drama that occured.

A fond smile escaped his lips and he began to giggle on the times he and Kanbe fought for whatever reason. They still do and that's the fun of it.

"What are you laughing at?" Said the raven haired male who stood tall and firm. Radiating such formality that Kato would punch him in the face if he could. Not like he couldn't pay for his own private surgeon.

Kato rolled his eyes, some hint of venom and playfulness.  "Nothing." He shrugged off which just caused the billionaire bastard to get curious and pry in more. "No, tell me." He demanded. Who does he have the rights to tell Kato what to do? Definitely not someone younger than him, that's for sure.

"Huh? And what are you gonna do about it if I say no? Prick." Sass lingering off his tongue and dripping down to be heard by the bitter-faced Kanbe. If looks could kill then Kato would be laying on the ground dead by now. Gladly, all looks can do is indicate the emotion of a person so Kato is far from dying anytime soon.

Though Kanbe stood his ground and calmly marched on forward towards his superior. "Then maybe I'll have to earn it out of you, inspector Kato." Firm and serious, his voice didn't waver and he stayed relatively still. Infront of Kato as he glared daggers towards him. "Earn?" He questioned the choice of words that the younger displayed ahead of him.

Receiving a gentle nod, he got ever so slightly closer to Kato which caused the older to flinch back. "Woah- Personal space Kanbe-"

"How much?" He asked, cutting off and interrupting whatever his superior had to say.

Looking dazed and confused, brows furrowed and gaze not leaving the other's dark eyes. "What?" Kanbe never ceases to make him question if they're in the same conversation every now and then.

"How much for you to tell me? Or will I have to force you to speak?" The fucking audacity of this jerk! That's it, I'm punching him- And there's nothing that'll stop me and my hands from doing so.

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