Chapter 1: Boys are literally non-equivalent to girls.

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College. Wait, COLLEGE? How did I get here so fast? I'm not ready! Calm down, I thought. You are soooo ready for college, there is nothing in your way, nothing to distract y-

"SINCE YOUR NAME IS TWILA DOES THAT MEAN YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH A VAMPIRE?" Voices.. Why do I know those voices? Creepy, screetchy, annoying, voices can only belong to the three children I am terribly related to. Cousins.

"That doesn't even make sense. " I reply with the calmest tone I could possibly get out.

"Yeah, its so does. it sounds just like Twilight. Twi-Luh, Twi-Luh-Ight. So just 'cause you're bigger than me doesn't mean I don't hate you." The youngest said. He's what, 6?

"I'm just going up to my room, because if I talk to you any longer, I will punch you in the face so hard you bleed through your-"

"TWILA! The uh- the chicken, is done. Could you come check it with me?" My mother asked me. I'm glad she always knows what I'll say, although sometimes, this could be a bad thing.

"Yeah, sure mom. Cause I totally didn't want to scare the little sh-"

"Twila, the chicken?" She was looking kind of dissapointed at this time around. I mean I swear a lot, but not in front sweet little children. How dare I.

I walked into the kitchen and there was smoke literally everywhere. Even somehow in the dishwasher. "MOM WHAT DID YOU DO THE DAMN CHICKEN?" I screeched.

"Oh how did I manage to do this? Oh dear. Oh my. Sweetie take the chicken out." She said calmly. How can she be so calm, and how in the world does she expect me to take that horridly burnt, most likely up in flames chicken, out of the oven without burning? She's crazy. I'm not touching that stupid bird. I don't eat meat anyway, not my problem. Yeah, not my problem! I was about to walk out of the kitchen when I realized how ridiculous I was being. Sure our meat eating, rowdy, psychotic, cousin are here, and I was angry with my mom for letting them come here, but if I don't take out that poor mutilated chicken, this house could burn down. Well, I'm going in.

I grabbed the nearest towel sort of thing from the counters and got ahold of the oven handle. Here I go. If I die, I just want to say, I'm still not sorry for swearing. Even if I grew up a faithful Christian. Dear Jesus or Buddha, whichever one will let me not die, don't let me die. Amen. Quickly, I pulled the sturdy handle with all my might. Out of the oven was the scariest scent I have ever experienced. It smelled like a mixture of dog poop and some kind of vomit, which made me gag, but I power through everything. I slowly reached for whatever was left of the chicken and jerked my arm back with my grasp still on the pan. It went flying across the room, smacking into the pantry, busting a hole in the door.

"I'll fix it when our house isn't a hazard." I spat out, with what voice I had left. This smoke is ridiculous! Seriously, I can't even see my mother. ANYWHERE. WHERE IS EVERYONE? Oh god, this is one of those scary dreams! Slap yourself! Wait, what if it hurts? What does that mean? I don't care! I ran to the back door and wonderfully enough, there was the demons, my mom, and my cat. All sitting, pleasurably outside, not choking on chicken dust.

"What the hell guys? Just leave me to die? And mom, before you say, 'oh you are exaggerating.' I AM NOT EXAGGERATING! IT WAS LIKE THE TERMINATOR- wait is that the right movie? I DON'T CARE!"

"Here we go again." My mom muttered to the oldest brat. I think she is like somewhere around 13 or something like that. Pretty much the age of girl where they fan girl over any hot guy, especially the famous ones, you know the ones that are over 18 but they still are somehow on posters on 10 year old girls' walls. They are pedophiles if you ask me. Either way, I need to focus! They left me to die and clean their mess!

"Did anyone call the fire department? For our safety?" Spoke the middle one. He's almost 8 and I tell you, he is a genius. He's a smart ass though. A real big one. He's my favorite, and i make sure to let him know. Last year, I took him to see this cool movie he suggested, and to my surprise, I liked it. All in all, he's a cool kid. I think he might be the next Bill Gates.

"I hope to god someone did, you shoulda seen that shithole of a house in there." I grumbled.


"You'll stick me in the house? Relax. I'll only live here for like a day more."

"Wait what do you mean? I thought you were living here as you went to college?" She said with an apologetic look.

"Uh,no. I'm going to stay in the college dorms. " Duh! As if I were staying here? Yeah right. Dream on, mom.


YAY MY FIRST FANFIC! I hope you like it! I will try to update on this because obviously I don't update my other book. Either way, thanks for reading!


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