Case-1: Finding Girlfriend's Address

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Jan 22,2015

A boy came to my residence at No-17, Kingsway in the evening. I saw him through CCTV camera located at the main doorway. I was busy with my experiments in a lab. As he was about to push the annoying doorbell, I switched on the entrance-mic.

"Can't you read?" I yelled. "Meeting hour is 10 to 12 in the morning on Monday only. I can't meet you now. Go and come tomorrow. "

"Bu.. But sir. How do you know I am here for a case?" the boy asked with surprise.

"Your gesture! The way your hand and eyes were shaking before pressing the doorbell" I said. 'Brilliant' he whispered. I could make out from his lips movement.

"Mr. Black, do you know that your meeting hour is not suitable for all. I mean I am a college, student. You know..." he said.

Hmmm, he had a point. I had to listen to him once. I opened the door. He came inside. He was observing my house with a surprise as if he had entered a different world. And yes, my house is made to look like out of the world. It has so many sophisticated electronics that you can't even imagine.

I came to the main entrance hall. I was dressed up in my lab-coat. I saw him; he was wearing a funky T-shirt with Bag-pack on his back.

"Hello, Mr. Black. I am Jatin Sharma" he said, tried to shake the hand.

I don't need any introduction for any new person I meet. My mind automatically starts working to find anyone's identity. I don't even remember how long I doing this deduction thing.

25-year-old. Student of Delhi University. Doing post graduation. Coffee addict. Sleep disorder. Friendly . Confident. Sentimental. Careful about future. Scholar. Native of Bihar. Brave. Stubborn. NCC cadet. Name begins with 'J'. In love.

'Helllooo sir. My name is Jatin. I study in DU' he tried to break my train of thoughts.

Exactly, as I deduced about him. I have been doing this for quite a long time. And I would like to share a fact that in case of deducing identity I am 95 percent correct in case of male and 80 percent, in case of female.

'I thought that you must be in 30's, but look at you are my age. I can't believe that you are the one who caught criminals like Md. Salim. That's great!' he added.

"Hello Jatin , have a seat.' I said gesturing him to sit on the black sofa. I sat on the other side of it. 'Yes, you are right. And say what's your problem? Explain me as quickly as you can."

"As such I don't have any problem. But ...." He hesitated.

"Aaha no problem. That's great! Thank you for coming. You may leave now" I said, trying to be as polite as I could. God... I hate this. I just wanted to kick him out. He wasted my 10 minutes and 40 seconds.

"No, No it's not like that. I want to know an address." He said.

"Address of whom?" I asked.

"A friend. Actually my girlfriend.' he said.

'You want me to find an address of a girl?' I asked with surprise.

'Apparently! Yes, that's what I want.' He said with an ugly blush.

'Sorry! Can't help. You may leave now.' I said without spending any more second on that stupid boy. I gestured him to get up. He stood.

'B.. But Mr. Black I really like her. Please help me.' he kept requesting taking backward steps to exit door. I followed him to close the door.

'I said I can't do this. Sorry!' I said and slammed the door. But it wasn't the end.


Next morning when I was going out for a case I saw him sitting on roadside opposite to my residence. He was sitting on the platform of street-light. This type of protest is quite famous in Delhi. He was trying to catch my sight. But I ignored him. When I got back home he was gone. Exactly as I expected.

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