The Freedom Chaser

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Introduction (Third Person)

It was a gloomy winter night. Snow was slowly drifting down to already snow laden earth from the sky above as she watched from the hospital window and weeped.

"Why me?" She whispered to herself, "why does everything have to be my fault? Why can't I do anything right?"

She was a tall thin girl, a little pale in the face, with hazel eyes, but they tended to change to a darker brown hue when she had cried. She was different from other girls; she was a free-spirited girl, who always saw things on the positive side. Her smile was never broken no matter what happened, that is of course until this frightful night.

Her eyes were puffy and red from crying so much; her chest felt so tight, she could barely breathe clearly. She couldn't help but to sit and think about the future. She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice her uncle as he crept up to her from behind. She jumped when he had simply put his hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Her uncle said quietly. He was a tall and quiet young man with short brown hair and a five o'clock shadow. She didn't recognize him at first because she never sees him too often because he worked so much.

"It's ok," she said under her breath.

"I think it's time that I take you back home," he exclaimed.

"No, I'm not ready to go yet," she said as she looked over at the still body that lay on the bed beside her.

"Well, maybe it's best for you to leave this dreary and depressing place." Her aunt said as she entered the hospital room with an unlit cigarette in her mouth. She was a flashy women, the type that always had heels on, and always wore bright blue eyeshadow. Her hair was longer and blonde yet it always seemed to be a bit messy. "Come on let's go I have other things to do." She demanded.

The young girl stood up so fast, she had gotten a bit faint. She never really liked her aunt that much but now she was going to have to deal with her for awhile.

"I'm not just leaving her here all by herself! And Aunt Cathy, you shouldn't be having that cigarette in here lit or not; it shouldn't be exposed," she exclaimed.

"Oh don't ch'u try to tell me what to do Anissa. I'm the adult and you are the child. And besides, she won't be by herself. She has these lovely doctors and nurses with her. Now do as I say and let's get going!" She had stormed out of the room; her husband had looked at Anissa hopelessly and followed after her.

Anissa was left in the hospital room alone with her unconscious mother. She grabbed her coat and put it on. She walked over to her mother's still body and whispered,

"Sorry mom but I have to go now. I love you always and forever," Anissa leaned over and kissed her mother on the forehead then walked over to the doorway. She stopped, looked back and whispered, " bye Mum. See you tomorrow. I love you." Then,she left her room to see her aunt and uncle down the hall waiting for her.


Part 1 (First Person)

I awoke from yet another restless night. The sun's rays peeked through my blinds and had brighten up the room. "I'm exhausted...," I thought as my stomach growled, "and hungry." I had forgotten the last time I had eaten. The scent of food arose as my hunger raised.

I laid still and not wanting to ever get out of bed. I was hoping that the past week was a dream but I was disappointed when I had gotten all the memories in my head. I finally decided to collect myself and get up out of bed. I sat up and looked around the room. I still had a lot of unpacking to do. I couldn't think about that now though; there were a lot of other things I had to worry about. First things first I had to get through today and I started getting ready.

After I took a shower and got dressed, I went downstairs to find something to eat. When I arrived downstairs, there was a plate of hot pancakes waiting for me.

"Thought you might be a bit hungry."

" Thanks Uncle Frank."

"No problem," he sheepishly, " I'll be leaving for work soon. Won't be back until late tonight so I won't be here to prepare dinner for you. But there's some frozen dinners in the freezer. Help yourself."

"Thank you.... But where's Aunt Cathy?"

"She was gone when I woke up this morning," he explained as he grabbed his bag, "Hopefully she will be back in time to take you back to the hospital."

"Ok, how long do you think it would take until she comes back?"

"Lord knows she might be gone an hour or all day," he chuckled, "eat your breakfast. I have to go, I'll call to check up on you later. See you."


I was left alone in the house. My aunt had never enrolled me in school yet so I was stuck at home all day. Although it may be boring sometimes, I like being alone. I like the silence and comfort. "Music on, world off," as I always say. Since I had nothing better to do, I figured I'd finish unpacking and clean up a bit. I had finished my breakfast, washed the dishes, and headed toward my room.

I spent the next couple of hours unpacking and cleaning my room. As I was finishing up and put up all the paintings I made, I heard the front door and knew it was my aunt. Next thing I knew, she came barging in.

"Can't you knock?" I asked sarcastically.

"Hmmm.... Funny, last time I checked, this is my house. I can do whatever I want." She exclaimed. "And if you don't like it, you can leave!"

"Trust me, if I could I would," I said under my breath.

"What was that you said?"

"Nothing I-"

"I've enrolled you in school," she interrupted. "You start Wednesday." She turned and to leave the but turned back towards me. "Oh and by the way, we go clothes shopping tomorrow. I can't stand your wardrobe." Then she left.

"My clothes aren't that bad," I thought. "Wednesday, that's in two days."
Aunt Cathy is never pleased with anything I do. She never has and I'm pretty sure, she never will. We are complete opposites and it's annoying how we have absolutely nothing in common. How am I going to be able to take this for so long?
I'm not really looking forward to a new school with people I've never met before. It's not like anyone's going to like me. Or at least I don't want anyone to. I'm not a people person. I'm not good at making friends. I'm too awkward and uncomfortable around new people. Unlike most teenagers, I'd rather sit at home than go out on the weekends. There was only one other person that was truly my best friend. Her name was Alice. We used to do everything together. We really connected and I miss her. A lot. We still talk on the phone ever once in awhile but it's not the same. I miss home. It's not the same here. I can tell by the way our conversations go, she changed and moved on in life. I respect that but at the same time, I don't.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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