How the destiny is messing with us

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Sixth Chapter

Lifting her head tiredly, Elena looked around with puzzled look on her face. She was tied up by both of her hands, the chains were leading all over the ceiling. Startled, she glanced over the boy in front of her that was already glancing back at her, pretty amused judging by the look of his face.

"We're in my high school?" Elena asked, obviously surprised by Kai's choice. He could have taken her anywhere he wanted, but yet he chose her high school.

"They have plenty of restrooms, no flammable surfaces and everyone's on winter break." He smiled before looking back at the glass cabinet that contained a lot of photos, medals and trophies from the old students of Mystic Falls high school. "Still, it's no wonder why America got dumb when I was locked up. They're never in school."

He bent down to see clearer. Frankly, he was interested by one of the photos he had seen.

"Is that you?" Kai asked with a flabbergasted grin on his face. "Oh, and there's Bonnie." He acknowledged looking back at the photo. "You guys look so innocent. Smiling like nothing bad could ever happen to you."

"Anyway, do you mind if I try to turn your blood into acid again?" Kai asked straightening his body and narrowing his eyes on helpless looking Elena.

"Again?" She mused dumbfounded.

"Yeah, that's... It's kind of how you got here in the first place." He replied, slowly taking off his jacket and approacing towards frightened and confused Elena. "I was trying the whole acid-blood thing and I think I burst a few important capillaries in your brain because you blacked out."

"Kai, you don't have to do this," Elena started off by cnovincing him into something Kai could care less. "Listen to me... You don't have to do this!"

"Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox." He chanted, completely ignoring Elena's pleads. She yelped in pain.

"Stop. Stop, Kai. Stop."

"Maybe this will teach you to not step on my bad side and take what's mine," Kai said throught gritted teeth as he kept mumbling the chant.

"My ring." Elena exclaimed, gazing concerned at her ring that was a speacial gift and a protection. She couldn't lose it. "Kai, you're melting my ring."

Kai didn't mind that little fact. It wasn't important to him. He continued chanting.


"Kai, stop it!"Elena shrieked hopelessly.

"Navaro... Pul-" The loud noise was heard, finally stopping Kai from chanting. Elena pulled her chains down and it caused a little explosion. She quickly vamped towards the closest classroom and started looking around to find something helpful.

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