Bad Heart.

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TW: Major Character Death. (Don't say I didn't warn you!!)  

Requested by PurpleButTAEfly


"You took your medicine this morning, right?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung nodded. This was at least the fourth time he'd been asked that by his members today.

He sat leaning against their dance studio wall, panting after a long run through of their choreography for their song Idol. It was tough choreography and he was exhausted. Every time he needed a moment to sit out and catch his breath the question would repeat.

"Did you take your medicine?"

He didn't know how many times he had to remind his members that he had. It seemed like they didn't believe him. It would have made sense though, he was falling a little more behind than he usually did. He was getting winded a bit more quickly than usual. It was a bit irritating, but he understood their concern.

He had been diagnosed with a heart disease about four months ago, he could never remember the name of it but he knew it was hereditary.  It scared the hell out of him because it was something his aunt died from a year prior and she wasn't very old. When he was first diagnosed with it he sat in the doctors office and cried his lungs out while his members held him. He kept repeating he didn't want to die. His doctor told him with regular monitoring and keeping up with his medicine he'd live a long happy life, which gave him and his members some reassurance.

It had also scared the hell out of his members. They all cried together with him at the news. Taehyung had originally gone in to see the doctor for chest pain but thought it was just stress. None of them could have ever expected that he'd have a heart disease. On the bright side it had been caught quite early and they were told in many cases people with it live long, healthy, normal lives.

He figured his aunt must have been an exception. One of those rare cases where it only happened to one in a million or something.

Hobi walked over and handed Taehyung some water.

"Thanks, hyung."

"Maybe we should slow it down a bit," Hobi suggested to the rest of them. They were all fully aware Taehyung was struggling today and they didn't want to push it. They weren't willing to take any chances when it came to his health.

"Don't let me stop you guys," Taehyung pouted, "Really, I'm fine." He hated feeling like a burden to them.

"Nahh, it's already been a long day and everyone did well. We will take it easy," Hobi said reassuringly.

Jungkook and Yoongi let out a sigh of relief. They were also exhausted from today's practice. Hobi decided to do one more run through but told Taehyung he could sit out if he was feeling tired. Taehyung refused to sit out. He didn't want that kind of special treatment even when the members insisted. He joined in on practice but only gave about 50%. He figured that was still better than nothing.

The members called it a day and headed home to relax and enjoy their free time. The first thing the members noticed was that Taehyung still seemed out of breath and he was rubbing his chest a bit.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked concerned.

"Nothing, just a bit tired," Taehyung replied.

"Your chest is hurting?"

"Nothing worse than what I've already dealt with before."

"Okay, well, let us know if it gets worse."

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