*bang my head shoots towards the door. Who could it be? I'm home alone and my mum isn't coming back till tomorrow. I creep towards the door. I halt I'm to afraid, it's probably the post man I think to myself, no it's Sunday. Finally I decide to open the door what's the worst that can happen any way. I peak out but at first glance there's no one there but as I look down there was a little girl in pigtails standing there looking pretty clueless. I instantly felt stupid I was so terrified of a little girl! Looking around I see she's on her own I felt the urge to ask her where she came from, but as I began to open my mouth she blurts out some thing to quiet for me to hear. 'Aren't y'all gunna say hi' she repeated, I was shocked for a young girl she was pretty damn rude. Fortunately I took petty as she was adorable and decided to say hi 'hi' but before I could stop it my mouth stared asking thousands of questions with out a breath in between 'wheredidyoucomefrom?whoareyou?whereareyourparents?whywereyousorude?' Finally I managed to stop and went bright red in embarrassment. She started to smile and was just about to answer my questions when she ran away...