Chapter 1

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"Harry Potter, Wizarding World Saviour, lied bout his whole heritage. We have insiders in Gringotts that told us that Mr. Potter (If we can even still call him that) went into Gringotts on his 16th birthday, pulled out some money and a copy of his birth certificate, and apparently collapsed at the sight that his father is actually none other than Sirius Black. We wonder who lied to him for his whole life so far. Go to page 16 for more information." 

Harry threw the daily prophet down onto the table, his trunk behind him in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place. He sunk down onto a chair by the table and sighed. "Hey pup, you okay? nervous for your first day of 6th year?" Remus asked, sitting down across from him, sliding him a cup of coffee. 

Harry took it gratefully and sighed again. "Yeah, I just don't want to see what everyone has to say about all of the shit the prophet is spewing. I mean, for fuck sake, I never passed out, you and Siri were both there! I was just shocked!"

"Language, Babe," Sirius mumbled walking in and grabbing his own coffee off of the counter, sitting next to Remus and kissing the top of his head. "Let's just get you to the train, kay? You still have 'Mione and Ron, they wouldn't turn against you, babe." 

Harry just sighed and went with them both to get onto the train. 


After he found Ron and Hermione, they all found a compartment and Hermione practically launched herself over to Harry as soon as the door was closed, wrapping her arms around him with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Harry..." He automatically knew what she meant, without even asking. It was obvious. "Are you okay sweetie? I read the news. That must be hard to try and understand. Has Dumbledore owled you yet? He has to have some answers, I mean-" Harry cut her off with a grimace. 

"No, 'Mione, he hasn't. Rem thinks he confounded them all when James and Lily died. And no, I don't know why he did it, but Siri thinks it too. And I believe them both. I mean, he hasn't really been the best 'mentor' has he? He told everybody Siri was guilty when he knew he wasn't, He let Snape out Rem as a werewolf to everybody, He let squirrel try to kill me, he knew there was a snake in Hogwarts and just waited for me to find it without warning me, He let me get entered into a tournament that almost killed me and did kill Cedric without doing anything, he let death eaters enter Hogwarts and didn't stop me when Voldemort was in my head. Siri and Rem are compiling evidence with Andromeda Black and Tonks and they're trying to get Dumbledore put away for good. I wasn't supposed to tell you though so please don't tell anyone."

"Umm... Harry?" Ron mumbled, staring at them both.

"Yeah mate?" But Harry was interrupted by voices from the compartment door. 

"What the fuck Potter?" Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson were standing there, looking at them in horror.

"Oh shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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