The assignment

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It was just a regular day at Oak Middle School, a normal day like any other. For Lilac, it was unusual, no one sneaking behind her, throwing water- It was... odd.

Entering the school doors, she notices Chelsea, a girl of 5"5 with black hair and gold streaks in her hair, a bun in her hair with hair left behind. Her eyes were the same shade of golden as the color in her hair. She was wearing a white top with oversized sleeves with gold ends and a denim pinafore, her socks had a pattern of stars and had boots with bows put on. She looked like a soft girl, but Lilac knew the soft girl was just a façade to her true self.

Lilac tries her best to brush past her and hopes to god she doesn't get spotted.

"Look who it is!"

Well, that failed. "What do you want, Chelsea?"

"Relax would ya? I just want to talk"

"Well, I don't want to"

"Too bad!"

Chelsea then looks down at Lilac's clothes.

"Oh. My. God! Where'd you get that?!"

"Well, I went to this one shop near the school and- "

"Well, you have awful fashion tastes. Wow, imagine walking to school wearing garbage"

Lilac doesn't want to hear more, she runs past Chelsea and ignores the 'hey, I'm not done' that she hears. Are her clothes really that awful? No. No, her clothes are awesome, Chelsea's just wrong, right?


The loud noise of the bell is ear-piercing and what brings her out of her thoughts. Hopefully, the next few classes aren't too bad.


So far, so good. Chelsea hasn't been bothering her. The bell the sounds its dong, 'History...' History isn't so bad, in fact its actually interesting for Lilac. The reason she doesn't want to attend is because...

"You're still here?"

Yep. Chelsea and Lilac share History together. Lilac tries her best not to look Chelsea in the eyes and takes the only unoccupied seat in the classroom, right behind Chelsea. Great. Chelsea turns and opens her mouth to comment on something, but then, the door creaks open and in enters their history teacher, Miss Cliff.

Miss Cliff is a strict teacher, no one had and will ever attempt to double-cross her, not even the bullies and delinquents of the school. Lilac always feels safe around her as she knows that no one will trouble any kid in front of her. So, she felt a little relieved.

"Good afternoon, class"

"Good afternoon, Miss Cliff" chorused the class all at once.

"Today, I have something exciting planned for you all"

The class immediately perked up, this was unexpected, but Ms. Cliff IS pretty unpredictable.

"You will be making a PPT project on the Early Civilizations"

'Oh. Just the usual...'

"WITH a partner"

The class then all choruses together, all going to their friends to pair up. Ms. Cliff claps her hands twice, "CLASS" she bellows, the students immediately go their seats as though it happened in a flash.

"I will be announcing the pairs by lunch on the Social Studies bulletin board, and I want the project done by a week, NO extra time will be given to anyone"

Then, the bell rings.

For Lilac, group projects are a nightmare. You could be paired with anyone, and it would be so awkward between the people in the group. 'Only one class before lunch'


It's lunch time, the Social Studies bulletin board usually empty, is now crowded with students waiting to see their pairs. Lilac gently pushes through the crowd to see her pair. She freezes when she sees the name next to her.

Lilac Woods and Chelsea Crawford

Oh no.

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