School is a Pain

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I woke up to tapping on my desk it was the teacher who walked around the room watching the students. I jerked my head and waited for my eyes to focus on my paper I picked up my pencil, I started on my work again then I could hear giggling behind me so I turned back to see Grey. Your typical white boy with brown fluffy hair and light green eyes, he was obviously popular with all the girls and decided that because of his popularity he could do whatever he wanted. He was always in my classes when I was younger and always decided to pick on me. I always ignore his antics but as a lonely guy in school I don't get help. A few guys would gang up on me always having something to say like "oh your hair is so light it looks like your balding"  or "your face is so burnt your like a ghost". Most of the time they're insults brush off me considering it's the same five insults every single time, you'd think they get creative over the years but it's really dumb down now.
So what I was saying I could hear Grey and his friends were whispering probably about me sleeping but I just can't catch a break between school, after school clubs, and then homework at home I don't have much time to sleep. The harassment at school doesn't make everything better if anything I'm more exhausted and end up not doing my homework which bites me in the butt later and I end up sleeping in class anyways.
" Hey Bambi how was your sleep~" Grey said with a teasing tone. Surprisingly this is the only nickname I've gotten and it's after a lonely deer which now that I think about it; it's quite fitting.

I groaned and whipped my head around to meet his eyes and with my expressionless face I blinked slowly and went back to my paper. After a few more events class was finally over. I started packing up my things when a classmate bumped my desk. He apologized and left following his friends I looked around to find my pencil that fell I got up from my seat and bent down to pick it up. I felt a huge bump on my back and then huge weight crushed down onto my head and laid me out like a pancake. My lips pressed against the cold, dirty, floor my neck restricted from the weight. of. someone's. butt.

I heard laughter to which then I felt the butt get up I laid still with the pencil in my hand and my face pressed against the floor humiliated I looked up to see who sat on my neck and it was none other then Grey. He was on all fours facing me his eyes were wide and his face was as red as a tomato I couldn't tell if he was more embarrassed or if I was but, I knew for sure I was way more embarrassed to be sat on by someone who called me Bambi. All his friends were dying laughing flailing their arms around hitting tables kicking the air while we sat there embarrassed. I got enough courage to sit up pick up some dignity and my pencil. I packed my things and ran to the bathroom to not cry.

Oh I cried all right! I went to the far stall, locked it hunched over the seat and, rubbed my neck. I groaned and decided to go to the nurse so I could go home. I shuffled  down the hall towards the front entrance of the school, into the nurses office. When I walked in my eyes met the nurse and Grey.
This was one of the experiences that was only showed  in movies I quick looked away. Holding my neck, until I heard her squeaky voice "what seems to be the problem"? I opened my mouth but nothing came out like an idiot! So I pointed to my neck hoping that she understood my gesture.  Then Grey spoke up, he said softly " I accidentally sat on his neck". He put his hand over his head and looked down I could tell he was embarrassed but I had no time to experience embarrassment I was in horrible pain. The nurse ushered me to a seat while she inspected my neck. I got chills I could feel Grey looking at me his eyes piercing the back of my head.

The nurse squeaked again "well it's basically good news because it will only be bruised and there seems to be no broken bones but you should take some medication for the pain". She went back to her desk and looked through some papers I keep my neck and head very still it hurt to move. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head slowly as to not hurt my neck when I saw Grey hovering over me. I felt so scared I was shaking then he did the thinkable (kind of) he placed his hand on my neck and rubbed it. He was gentle but, I still got chills. WHY? Why was he touching me and what is he thinking? I snatched his hand off my neck with my own and pulled his hand away from me. He pulled his hand away from mine and he asked the nurse " May I go back to class" she ripped off a sticky note and wrote a pass for him. I asked her quickly "can I go home"? She smiled and picked up the phone to call my mom, Grey was still standing next to me, awkwardly and, he had waited till the nurse was done talking to my mom then he went back to class.
I waited in the nurses office until my mom could come and pick me up. It was just before class ending when my mom rushed in to see me lying on one of the beds. She didn't speak she stood straight and waited for me to follow her.

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