Part 1 ( Leaving Wattpad )

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Hello guys, so as you all know I've decided to leave Wattpad. My account will still be here it's just that I will delete the app because I don't use it at all anymore.

° I'm too busy with school nowadays and I'm disappointed by my marks for my exams and I'm really terrified what might happen if I don't focus alot anymore, so the main reason why I'm actually leaving is because I have to focus on my studies more. °

° I will really miss every single one of you, thank you for everything, all the memories you guys gave me, I will always cherish them forever. I hope you all are taking good care of yourselves and I hope your health is good. Drink lots of water and rest well guys. Thank you. Seriously thank you for everything. °

Dedications :-
I love every single one of you and I'm just gonna add a few dedications to the people who have always been by my side.

My love, thank you for everything. Love you so much. I'll always keep in contact with you in Snapchat <3

My forever and always, thank you for everything you have done for me in this app, you're literally so special to me I love you so much. I'll keep in contact with you in Snapchat <3

Hey darling, thank you for everything as well, you've always known how to make me smile and I really appreciate that. I swear I'm gonna miss you so much, I love you <3

Hey Vin, thanks for everything in my life, I love you so so much and I hope we can still talk to each other through any app? Take care <3

Hi my beautiful angel, I'll miss you so so so much in this app, even though you added me on discord I won't be much active on that app either since I don't use it alot. I'll make sure to message you through times though. I love you so much <3

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LIVVVVV!!! I'll always keep in contact with you in insta and discord ily ily <33 Thank you for everything on this app love <3

Katie my love, I'll really miss you so so much, thank you for everything my dear angel, I will never ever forget you and atleast we can keep in contact in discord ye? <3

Babes, I'll miss you so so much thank you for everything and I LITERALLY love you so so much my darling <3

Hey my love, I know you're not that active recently but just so you know I will miss you so so much thank you for every single thing. I love you so much <3

Hey my wifey, I'll miss you so so much love, thank you for everything and I hope we can keep in contact in discord ye? I love you so so so much <3

° and to whoever who's reading this, Katie, Dee, Liv, Ana, Jennie, Sarah, Bubbles, Oli, Ells, Billie, literally everyone who's reading this thank you so so much for everything and all the memories, I love you guys very much. °

Add me on disc or snap or insta!

Snap - yash_bear23
Disc - Yash#5434
Insta - thebookredgirl

-- Goodbye my loves <3 -

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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