He's not him.

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"I love him."

"I love him.."

"I've never thought about someone so much."

"He's the only one constantly on my mind.."

"I'm positive he's my soulmate."

"He's my soulmate.."

"I wish he'd be the one who proposes to me."

"I'm going to marry him one day.."


I stared in shock as I watched Dream drop to one knee - holding a small, velvet box in one hand.

"Will you do me the honours of marrying me; being my husband, George?"

My heart pounded.

"I can't."


"I can't marry you, Dream."

"What..? Why?"

"You're not him!"

"I'm not him? You're not marrying me because I'm not Karl? Really!?"

"I'm sorry.."


I felt my heart snap.

I watched from a distance as he dropped to one knee, and opened a velvet, red box with a ring inside; one of the largest diamonds I've ever seen.

"Will you do me the honours of marrying me; being my husband George?"

I couldn't watch anymore. I couldn't stand the aching in my heart as a look of surprise spread across George's face as he gazed down at Dream- or should I say fiancé.

My heart pounded as I quickly turned and ran, I couldn't bare to listen to what he had to say;

So I ran.

I ran and I didn't look back.

I ran until my legs burnt, I ran until the cuffs of my jeans were smeared with blood and dirt, I ran and ignored the buzzing and vibrating of my phone in my pocket.

I knew it was George.

He's probably calling to tell me the great news; offering me a role at the wedding.

But with a heart so scattered and broken, I knew I wouldn't be able to face him, or Dream without breaking down.

But as I ran, I didn't heave; I didn't cry; I didn't sob; I just focused on the sound and pattern of my feet smashing against the ground, the scrapes the sticks and leaves left on my ankles - because that's the only thing that could help me avoid my broken heart; that is, until I get back to my empty apartment.

It only feels like home when George is there, but now with his new fiancé, I'm sure he'll be to busy with the wedding plans to even have me on his mind for one measly second-

Because he doesn't share the mutual feeling of how I like him; how I love him, because he loves his fiancé. And that fiancé - it isn't me.

Oh what I'd do to be the one to propose to George; to be the one deemed his fiancé.

What I would do for him to take my last name as George Jacobs.

What I would do to be the one to hold his waist as he sat on my lap.

What I would do to be the one to top him after a long day of work; to relieve stress in the most pleasurable ways.

But that's only something I can fantasise for; because it'll never happen.

"I love George."


"I love Karl."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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