Little message NOT A CHAPTER

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I just wanted to say what the characters look like because it doesn't say in the story.

16 years old almost 17
She wears a black leather jacket, a white tank top, blue skinny jeans, and black combat boots.
She has dark brown hair that is always in a pony tail.
Her weapons are 2 swords, a gun, and a knife.
Personality: very protective, funny, kind, if you mess with her you DIE just kidding but she will beat the hell out of you and loves people which makes it easy for her to trust people but it's a really bad personality trait

10 years old
Yellow tank top, black leather jacket, jean shorts, and sneakers
She has light brown hair that is always in two braids
And has a secret bow and arrow.

Personality: shy but strong, not afraid to kill some one, playful and smart.
Oh and they both have aqua eye colours.
Thank you everyone there will be more characters but don't forget to read my friends story dead by

Dead.. The walking deadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin