Why is Cap'n being treated like this?

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Meliodas was shaken awake by his girlfreind Elizabeth. "Wake up" The said girlfriend commamned harshly. This was how everyday started, Meliodas would be waken up by Elizabeth badly and will be bossed around by her  24/7. Why did Meliodas allow this dispite being way older and stronger than her, well Meliodas loved her. Wait Loved? does that mean Meliodas doesn't love the third princess of Liones anymore?. Well Meliodas just pushed that thought to the back of his head and got ready for another day. Once  Meliodas was ready, he opned the door of his and Elizabeth's shared bedroom and into the dining room of the bar. 

Meliodas went straight over to Ban, his bestfriend/ crush and sat next to him. The smaller of the two yawned and rested his head on the tallers arm. This caused Ban to chuckle at the captian's behaviour. "Good morining Cap'n" Ban said and pushed his a plate of omlete to the said captain as Ban already cooked breakfast and saved the last omelette for his captian.  Meliodas yawned again and looked up at his bestfriend "Mornning Ban" Meliodas replied trying to hide his blush but it was too late, Ban had already noticed the blush and chuckled at the cuteness of the blonde male.  Soon King and Gowther had joined the group and King flew staright to Meliodas to occupy the seat on the other side of Meliodas. 

Gowther sat on the opposite side of the three causing Ban to siliently groan at the two. Ban wanted more time alone with his mate. Ban knew that he had to share Meliods with King and Gowther but that does not mean that he liked it one bit. "Captian, how was your sleep?" Gowther asked looking at Meliodas softly making the said Blonde male to shyly smile at the Doll.  Meliodas opened his mouth to  answer is subnordinate but the shieky voice of Elizabeth stopped him. "Lord Meliodas, come here please I need your help with something" The wretched girl called making Meliodas sigh and smiled a fake smile that only Ban, King, Diane, Merlin, Gowther, Escanor and Elena  can recgonise anywhere. Meliodas got up and went over to his girlfriend who was looking at him angrily. 

This look by the princess didn't go unnoticed by The rest of the sins nor Hawk. The look that Elizabeth gave made King, Gowther and Ban growl lowly at her  girl and made a mooved to get up from their spots only to be stoped by Merlin, Escanor and Elena.  This made the three boys more pissed off as they thought they were ok with their captian's treament. "What are you three doing!" King hissed at his fellow comrades  as me made a move to pull Elizabeth away from his mate but Elena moved closer to him and laid a hand on King's shoulder. "Look, I get why you are furious with that Bitch, I really do how dare she treat our captian that way but the only way we get rid of her is to break her" Elena said to the Bandit, Fairy and Doll who looked at the  female titan confused. Merlin who already seemed to understand what her comrade said looked at her other comrades  explianed to the others that to break Elizabeth is to show the world what she really is like.  This seemed to make the three fuming boys relax a little bit, just a little bit. 


Meliodas walked out of the traven after Elizabeth who was fuming. "Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" Meliodas shouted earning Elizabeth to glare at him. "What's wrong?" Was all what Meliodas said only to get smasked across the face  by his own girlfriend. "What's wrong? WHAT WRONG?! WHAT'S WRONG IS THAT YOU ARE SPEANDING MORE TIME WITH THEM WITH ME!, I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Elizabeth screamed at the blonde deamon who looked taken aback. Meliodas didn't understand why Elizabeth was so angry about him spending time with his fellow sins. I mean Meliodas has known them way longer than he has known Elizabeth.  

"woah, you can't just be upset  by me spending time with my friends!" Meliodas shouted back only for him to be smacked again with Elizabeth storming away back into the travan obviously muttering soming bad about him. This mad Meliodas sigh once more and walked into the forest. Be unknownst with to him that Hawk, Diane, Merlin, Elena, Elaine, Ban, King, gowther and escanor were follwing him into to forest. Not even bothering to check on the princess as they never liked her anyway. Elaine excepted long ago that she wasn't meant for Ban and became his friend instead and she was quite happy being his friend.

The rest of the sins plus Eliane and Hawk followed the blonde Captain to a beautiful waterfall. They were mezmerised that  the haded noticed that Meliodas   sat on the ground with his face in his hand. However Ban was the first one to notice something wrong with his one true love. Ban had noticed that Meliodas was infact crying. The blonde deamon's sobs were lound enough for everyone else near him to hear. To say that they were upset to see their brave and strong captian broken was an understatment they were devistated but none more than Ban, King and Gowther.

Ban was the first one to move towards their captain and sat next to him. Ban said nothing to his mate but pulled him into his lap allowing the short blonde male to cry on his shoulder. The only thing that is going  through everyone except Elizabeth and Meliodas was "Why is Cap'n being treated this way." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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