Well, as of now I'm currently an uncertain dude going through an existential crisis with no thought on what can or should do. I'm just an existence with no motive let alone a goal.
So what do I do? I'll tell you.
I cry
As depressing as it prolly is to even be reading this from an equally depressed writer, I really don't know why we decide to stop crying when we get older. Do we not see it as mature? Do we think that it's a frivolous action that our body just happens to have? Do we only see it fit to cry when our emotions are overwhelmed by grief? (Although admittedly that is the most common case)
If it were up to me, I'd turn into a child again just to have the ease of innocence and release. We restrain ourselves now due to our awareness of the eyes watching us. We may, to some extent, be afraid. We may think that we'll feel more vulnerable or become an easier target to foolish mockery.
Of course, people have become WAY more depressed in recent days and that makes more people aware of it, but maybe it's so common that its become annoying, or some people say they're depressed simply because they don't know the answer to a question, maybe we want to seem happy be it for others or for ourselves (to "prove" that we're "ok")
It's true that if we cry all the time in the name of release it could get us in worse condition, after all, the defining line between a poison and a cure is the amount one takes of it. I'm simply Saiyan that we should be freer to do what we feel like doing. (This may be strange but I somehow get taunted if I see shyness, it just switches on this engine in me to just be even MORE open or cocky or confident).
(I am Jaegerist. I wish for true freedom)