1 | Sunrise

683 10 14

819 words
Lloyd's POV:

Sometimes I wonder how things would've gone if she didn't betray me.

Would we have been dating?

Would we have told each other everything?

Would we have had our happily ever after?

These kind of things take awhile to think about, that's why I decided to just take a break and take a morning stroll around the city.

I found the perfect spot to watch the sunset it is a hill that has lots of soft grass and little purple flowers everywhere. I layed down with my arms behind my head and just stared up at the sky, the clouds looked like cotton candy, they were a pale pink from the sunrise.

I sighed and rolled over to my side and started to pick at the grass and the little purple flowers. A slight breeze came which swayed my blonde locks. I had finally felt at peace, at peace being where I didn't have to wash Jays underwear and Coles dirty socks, even though it was my turn to do the laundry this morning.

I decided it was probably a good time to head back to the monastery so the others wouldn't worry about me and think th at I got kidnapped by some thugs or something, even though I could take some thugs on and I would obviously win.

I got up and started walking back to the monastery, my hands inside of my pockets a heavier breeze came by which made me feel very cold but it felt nice.

I arrived at the monastery base and sighed. To be honest the worst part of the monastery is walking up all those stairs, how does the mailman do this every single week?

Once I got to the top I opened the gates and walked inside. "There you are little man!" I heard Kai say to me, he rubbed my hair with his fist and I gave him a stern look of annoyance. "Where have you been? Oh and Nya went ahead and did the laundry for you although I might watch out for her she didn't seem too happy that you were gone." He pointed out. "I was just taking a morning stroll, the sunrise was beautiful this morning did you see it?" I asked Kai. "Eh, you see it once and you've seen the rest" he  said while rubbing the back of his neck."Well that's too bad, what's for breakfast?" I have been starving all morning and was dying to get something to eat. "Oh Cole's making bacon and eggs." Kai stated while having a look of worry towards the kitchen.

"Wait Cole's cooking?"


"Get him away from the stove right now" I snapped

"Yeah good idea, COLE" Kai then started running to the kitchen with his arms up. I laughed but I knew I didn't want to have anything Cole makes because one time he made something that I guess was supposed to be brownies? Well they didn't taste anything like brownies.

I then started walking to my room but today just had to be an unlucky day and I bumped into Nya who then dropped all the clothes she was holding and they scattered across the floor.

"Oh sorry Nya" I then knew I should probably start running if I wanted my eyeballs to still be in my head. I just started running.

"LLOYD GET BACK HERE" Nya screamed at me

I made it to my room, immediately locked the door, and sighed. I was glad I was able to live another day.

Nya's POV:

Lloyd was so not going to get away that easily, I have been working on the laundry for 25 minutes even though he was the one who was on laundry for the week. I gritted my teeth together and started to angry mumble as I picked up the clothes that I had dropped when Lloyd bumped into me.

But then when I was rambling I hadn't realized that somebody has came to help me pick up the laundry, it was my favorite boyfriend.

"Are you okay Nya? This looks like a lot of clothes" I looked up into his electric blue eyes that were filled with concern for me, his girlfriend. "Ya I'm fine thanks Jay." I sighed and he walked over and gave me a kiss on my head, he then walked away to the kitchen where I think Cole started a fire.

Once I got all the laundry folded and placed back into the basket I walked to everybody's rooms to put there clothes there. But I had this weird feeling in my stomach that something was going to go very wrong today.

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