Mirah's life stops

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Act 1; Asleep

This world that we live in, it's filled with magic. But only 50% of the world population possess the aptitude to use magic, that is only the recorded percentage. And I, Mirah of Lumina, have the aptitude to use dark elemental magic alongside water elemental magic.For nobles such as myself, it's not that unheard of the bare two aptitudes. The point where it's odd to be a magic user, is if the user is of no title nor any financial merit. Throughout history, only the rich and noble bare magical aptitude. My best guess as to why, is 'birds of a feather sticks together'It would only make sense that you'd want to keep the 'people with status and money' in their social spot. But every now and then, an ordinary civilian will be born and bare the ability to use magic.

As day becomes night, I see the sun set, the moons of Lumina come into view over the horizon. I watch as a million fireflies light up the night sky. I now see how big the universe is and how small I truly am. Soon, soon I'm seen as a grown woman, as the oldest daughter and my parents oldest child, it is my duty to carry on the family legacy. Though I'm only 14 years old, I will be seen as an adult in just a few months. As all children will be recognized as adults on their 15th birthday, that is also when one's father will search for a life long partner for his daughter.

Marriage will then also be an event closing in for me, as my future is to be the perfect lady of whatever house I'll marry. That's what father, at the very least, keeps telling me.
As I mumble under my breath

"... is there a bigger purpose for me... one I'm happy with...?"

I get ready for bed. I don't have time to think this over.

As I am a woman, I don't have much say over my future. And I am no less than the daughter of the duke, I am to either marry into more money or higher status. As father say again and again "'tis the way of the gods, only man can lead us to better the world, better the future and better life"But can it really be true? Is man really the sole purpose for my life? Am I really to serve a man, do as he says for all my life? Am I really not allowed to be the ruler of my own body and mind?

These are thoughts consuming my mind, I try to think nothing of them. Telling myself that I have a duty to my family, I should focus on bringing honour to my name honour. Though... the more I try to ignore these thoughts of mine, the more they seem to bother me... This life seems to bear no real meaning. I don't believe I'll ever be happy if I am not allowed to choose my own fate.

The days and weeks leading up to my birthday all seem too bleak, my 15th birthday seems to only bring me sorrow. Since on my 15th birthday, is also the day that I'll become eligible for marriage. A marriage that all young girls will have to go through within 5 years, or they will be considered 'too old'.

The chances of a marriage with a young woman who is or is over the age of 20, will significantly drop. My mothers explanation is 'No man wants an older woman, as they tend to think and speak their mind'
I'm with my two very best friends, Kalli and Sandra. We like to gossip about anything and everything we hear. We overheard some of the other girls from my school, that if it were to be, that one should get 'too old' for marriage, one would have to leave the family name, leave town and never return.

"Might as well be dead" Sandra comments.

We all laugh. Sandra is my oldest friend, and one of the few people whom I feel comfortable enough to share my thoughts with.

"If that ever were to happen to me, I think I'd be better off ending myself" Kalli adds.

It's true that if one of us were to never marry, life would be almost impossible. As we all only have been taught how to be a wife. We know nothing of the real world, we would probably never be able to stand on our own two feet. In this time, only women without riches and status can be masters of their own destiny. So if a woman of my status were to never marry, my status would drop to the point a commoner would have more power than me.In school, we learn that most women who never marry, will most likely get sterilised and work on the 'streets'. I don't want that for me, but marrying someone I don't know nor love feels just as miserable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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