1. N TO NC.

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A/N: Pic of Jenis above. Onward to the chapter we go (picture me say this with the old British accent that knights of the 90s used).
Adaeze’s P.O.V.
I stripped and stepped into the shower wishing that the steaming water will wash away all my stressway the bad memories. I just wish I could live a normal life of a teenage girl you know the one who lives peacefully with both her parents till she gets married but unfortunately, cruel fate has got me stuck with my linguistic mother. Now, now I am not saying that I don’t love my mother but I mean it would have been better with both parents.
I stepped out of the shower and did my routine, I put my long ‘okada’ length(ankle length) knotless triangle braids in a high pony tail, did my edges, put on light make up which is only a nude lip gloss and brown powder and viola I am done. Now to the tasking job of finding what to wear and considering the fact that I’ve been too lazy to unpack since we arrived. It took me 10 good minutes to find a pair of red jeans, a navy blue turtle neck and my black ankle boots. I just know that looking for clothes for each day is going to get annoying I mean at first I was happy that I didn’t have to wear uniforms like I did in Nigeria.
“Mother” I said as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. “Daughter”, she answered in our usual manner. If someone hears us greeting each other this way they’d think that we have some cold mother-daughter relationship” “Como esta?(How are you?)”.
“I am very fine thank you” “I don’t want worry you to worry about the people at school. Show them what being an original Naija babe is all about”. “Okay ma’am, whatsoever toots your hoots” I replied her as I was leaving the entrance door. “Au reviour(sorry if I got the spelling wrong)  mama”, I said before leaving the house.
I know that school will annoy me because this was supposed to be my last year in secondary school but since the U.S educational system is evil{no offences} I was drawn a year back because I am going to be 17 by the end of this year. Hip! Hip! Hooray! Cheers for my extra year in secondary… I mean high school. 

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