Hebrew Dictionary

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Hebrew Dictionary

It is know that Jesus spoke Aramaic, Hebrew, maybe some Latin, and even some Greek. Yet I am going to be using Hebrew as his main source of speaking since that is more well-known than Aramaic and easier to research for pronunciation.

*The boldness of some letters is used to emphasize that certain part in the word

Adonai Elohai—The Lord my God (pronounced a-doe-nie, el-oh-hi)

Ani ohevet otcha—I love you (pronounced a-nee oh-hev-a o-twa)

Avah marduwth—A Hebrew curse word

Bat sheli—My daughter (pronounced bat shelly)

Bevakasha—Please (pronounced bev-a-kasha)

Ecce homo!—Behold, the man! (pronounced a-KAY ho-mo) (this is actually LATIN)

Echad—One (pronounced eh-khad)

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?—My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (This is actually Aramaic).

Ha Lev shelee mookhan, Abba—My heart is ready, Father (pronounced a lev, shalay, mookan)

Ken—Yes (pronounced k-en)

Lekh mipo—Go away (pronounce lek mi-po)

Lo—No (pronounced lo)

Ma nishma—How are you? (pronounced ma-nishma)

Mayim—Water (pronounced mah-yeem)

Miyad ekhzor—I'll be right back (pronounced mee-yad eck-zore)

Salach li—Forgive me (pronounced sa-lak lee)

Shisha—Six (pronounced shee-sha, masculine version of 6)

Shloshah—Three (pronounced shay-lo-sha)

Shnai'yim—Two (pronounced sh-nym)

Slih'a—Sorry (pronounced slee-ha)

Tamshikh—Go on (pronounced tam-shikh)

Toda—Thank you (pronounced toh-dah)

Tov—Good (pronounced tov)

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