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A/N: I decided to break this story off from the Akaza one so it could be its own book but I will still upload it in both places💕

It was just you and your dad, well you didn't even think he could be called that do to the way he treated you. When you were given life your mother's was taken away and he blamed you for it. He never shook away that you were the reason his lover died. Instead of giving you the same love you felt like your mother would've gave you, he chose to hate you instead.

You two were in a middle of an argument, he always got mad over the smallest things picking and poking at any and everything to have a reason to take out his frustration on you. You were 20 working whenever and wherever you could to provide. Him? He worked but he didn't spend his money for the reasons you did, his money went on booze, gambling and women. You worked so much some days you'd get extremely tired and sleep in. You forgot only to wash the few dishes that was left in the sink and he used that for fuel.  Woken out of your sleep from your bedroom door being flung open and yelling, without a word you walked into the kitchen and ran water in the sink. You drowned out your irate dad's screaming as you clean the dishes one by one. Holding a blank face expression the only thing you could hear was the thoughts of saying you were close to saving enough money to move out.

"Why aren't you at work!"

"I've been working in hot fields for the past 2 weeks, I need to rest, besides in 8pm."

"You think resting is going to feed this family, I haven't been finding work lately so I need you to get up and fill in for me."

"I already fill in for you, even when you work, I fill in, I do everything!" You get a sudden adrenaline of anger, you're sick of everything you sick of the way your own dad treats you.


"Ever since I turn 16 you've put me to work, you've stopped being a man and made me one, you blow all your money on bullshit and force me to pick up your slack!"

You can see your dad turning red with anger, his hand slowly baling up into a fist as if a none surprising strike was to follow. Your dad has hit you before. Not often but about 4 times, this might be the 5th. You were so mad fear didn't take over you like usual. You kept going.

"Mom died because she probably wasn't strong enough to keep living on with a man like you, she probably hates you for the way you treat her daughter, I bet you worked her like an ant-"


You were suddenly on the ground, your hand cupping your cheek as a reflex. You knew you were hit you just didn't know if another strike was coming. You honestly never talked to your dad like that, never even talked about your mom to him. He never really let you.

"She died because of you, if you were never fuckin born she'd still be here with me, you took everything from me!" He stood there taking deep breaths as he stood over you. You were wrong, weirdly he was a perfect man to her, he loved her took care and provided for her, he was sweet and kind. "She was sick and she knew her body couldn't handle you, she always wanted to have a kid and I told her not t0, we couldn't, all she did was talk about you even though she knew the consequences of carrying you, why did she want you so bad that she was willing to leave me!" It was always (y/n), (y/n), (y/n) I hated hearing it."

You stared up at your dad with wide eyes, this the most you ever heard you speak on your mother. Tears began rolling down your eyes but not from his harsh words but from the thought of finally knowing you had a parent that cared. You're mom loved you.  She wanted you.

"Soon I won't have to worry about you anymore, you'll be someone else's problem!"

You didn't know what your dad meant by this but the stinging of your jaw and this new found information clouded anything he said. You watched as he stormed off out the door, it was a relief when you knew he left the house and was probably going to be gone all night drinking. You got off the cold kitchen floor and headed to your room not even bothering to clean the rest of dishes. You walked over to your window to let some fresh air in, you lived in a wooded area so it wasn't really the safest place because demons could roam at night. You only heard of an incident twice of all 20 years of living here but your village still kept their guard up. You looked at the dark woods from your window, you chuckled at the thought of joking of demon getting your dad. Part of you wanted to run away, only taking the truth of your mothers love with you, you knew she was watching over you, the path through the woods didn't look so creepy anymore.

Demon slayer: Thief in the night Gyutaro ver.Where stories live. Discover now