𝟬𝟬𝟭 one rule: no real feelings

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chapter one, one rule: no real feelings

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chapter one, one rule: no real feelings


Ever since Isobel Vera was little, she was always known as a fighter. Legend has it, she kicked the doctor in the face the moment she was born. There was never a moment in her life where she gave up or didn't have something to keep fighting for. She never let anything bring her down.

     Some say it's because she's locked her heart up and won't let anyone actually see more than the bitch everyone assumes she is. Her older sister thinks it's because after what happened to their parents, Izzy constantly needs to prove herself to anyone and everyone. Prove what? Kayla Vera wasn't too sure, but if there was someone that knew Izzy best, it was her big sister.

That was how she ended up in Cobra Kai. She was angry, fuming, and John Kreese found her. He took her under his wing, he told her that she was going to be the winner. She just had to prove herself — and she did. Izzy fought, and fell, and got right back up, and won. Again, and again, and again.

Whenever someone heard 'Cobra Kai', they thought of Isobel Vera. A venomous girl with too much bottling up emotions consuming her.

She had only been in the dojo for a few weeks, but that just proves how passionate and strong Izzy is. She climbed to the top faster than anyone else and no one was going to knock her off of her throne. Not Robby Keene, not Samantha LaRusso, not Miguel Diaz. No one.

Izzy remembered clearly the moment Kreese told her the words 'Cobra Kai is going to need a winner at the All Valley', and she remembers clearly the moment she walked into Cobra Kai and saw Robby Keene standing there. She wasn't stupid enough to realize Kreese took a liking to Robby, but Izzy felt stupid enough that she thought Kreese wanted her to be the winner.

So, Izzy felt like she had plenty of valid reasons to be mad at the world and everyone in it it right now, or at least try and act like she was. It was hard to act mad when you're sitting in your room and the smell of marijuana and Fleetwood Mac music were seeping through her closed door.

Izzy sat there, on her bed, staring at the wall. Nina was on her way to pick the girl up, Izzy wanting nothing more than to go and get ice cream somewhere. Nina could never say no to her best friend, especially after spending all of last night listening to Izzy rant over the phone how angry she was with Robby Keene joining Cobra Kai.

Once her phone went off, receiving the text that said Nina was outside, Izzy got off of her bed and left her room. The apartment was foggy as Izzy walked into the living room, seeing her sister sitting on the couch holding a bong while 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac flowed through the air.

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